Will Trump be different as President? We can only hope so

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This was published 5 years ago

Will Trump be different as President? We can only hope so

Now the transformation begins.

Throughout the rancorous campaign, and especially since, those who fear the worst have hoped that the pragmatic reality of a Trump presidency will be different from the blustery rhetoric. They hope he won't, after all, run the government as a Trump Inc. machine of crony deal-making energised by self-interest and payback against his enemies.

President-elect Donald Trump has signalled disdain for the political and legal systems that are  supposed to keep him in check.

President-elect Donald Trump has signalled disdain for the political and legal systems that are supposed to keep him in check.Credit:AP

Once the gravity of the office and its responsibilities sinks in, a humbled Trump will modify both his speech and his behaviour, this theory goes. That New Year's Twitter post? ("Happy New Year to all, including to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don't know what to do. Love!") Not petulant but a playful poke. A bit of fun before he has to get really serious, which is after the inauguration.

In any case, it is reasoned, the checks and balances built into American democracy – the constitution, the judiciary, the rule of law, the will of the people – all will curb Trump's authoritarian tendencies.

His cabinet picks of like-minded anti-government billionaires, climate-change deniers, anti-Muslimists and hawkish generals do not augur well.

Optimism is needed. But is it justified?

It is reported from Washington that he will start quickly on an "aggressive" agenda of undoing Barack Obama's executive orders, such as in health care policy, winding back regulation and renegotiating key trade deals. Other priorities for his first 100 days in office are said to include an infrastructure plan, building a wall at the Mexico border, tackling visa overstays and expanding production of domestic energy sources.

The new President might follow the path of his pick to run the energy department, Rick Perry, who at his confirmation hearing expressed regret that he had called for the department to be abolished in 2012 when he was campaigning for the presidency. But prior to his inauguration Trump has signalled more clearly than any presidential candidate in history his disdain for exactly the political and legal systems that are now supposed to keep him in check. He has threatened go after hostile media outlets by changing libel laws and launch investigations into his political foes, which his critics see as a potential abuses of his executive powers. The Republican Party which has supported him thus far is now unlikely to put obstacles to prevent him overreaching for fear of handing victory to their Democratic opponents in Congress, at primary challenges and at the next election. ​

The checks and balances of the constitution and the legal system are not foolproof either. They are not abstract mechanisms outside the political process which kick in reliably when things start going wrong, as much of the commentary seems to assume. They depend heavily on office-holders respecting institutional norms and traditions. If his Attorney-General refused to investigate a political opponent, Trump could replace him. If Pentagon generals refused to carry out his orders, he could move down the chain of command until compliant officers were found.


Even the Supreme Court's power rests in the executive government's acceptance of its moral authority, although the opportunity Trump now has to fill a vacancy with a conservative nominee of his choice reduces the chances of a stand-off. Impeachment, the last resort, is a messy and protracted procedure which would require Republicans in Congress to abandon their leader. By the time it is done, so is the damage.

These are worst-case scenarios. The world is not about to end. For Australia, concern about a Trump presidency is more abstract. As an exporting nation reliant on both China and the US, we would suffer from greater US protectionism and any trade war between the US and China. Trashing the 12-nation Trans Pacific partnership mega-trade deal gives freer reign to China's expansion in our region but Australia already has deals with most of the TPP participants which could be preserved or even improved. We may have to negotiate our way through a new world order not just regarding trade and China but also climate, Russia and regional security given Trump's lack of interest in the US playing the role of sheriff. It is possible that the US will be so preoccupied by bitter fights at home that it neglects its global role more generally. A more fractious, divided US could be a less attractive destination for Australians to study, travel or work.

American voters disenchanted with the status quo have put their democracy to the test by electing a president who seems to disdain its workings. Will people act collectively, if needed, to protect the liberal norms of decency? We can only wait and see.

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