

So long partner as US dumps its own free-trade deal

With reporters and photographers invited in on his first full day in office and cameras rolling, President Donald J. Trump signed, as one of his first acts, the memorandum to withdraw the United States from the Trans-Pacific Partnership. "Everyone knows what that is, right?" he asks as the cameras go off. "We've been talking about this for a lo-o-ong time."

With those words he begins the process of turning the United States in on itself, of building the walls which look set to shut it off from the world. It is the end of an era for US trade and foreign policy.

Mr Trump has indeed been talking about doing this for a long time – but the Australian government appears not to have been listening. Or perhaps it has been so appalled at the prospect that the years of delicate negotiations that produced the TPP might go to waste, that it refused to believe Mr Trump meant what he said.

Could the TPP continue without the United States? The Trade Minister, Steve Ciobo, doesn't know. He told ABC Radio that no work had been commissioned on the likely benefits of the pact if the United States withdrew.

Mr Ciobo may have been caught off guard by the question, because what he said is hard to believe. If true, it would be an appalling admission – a failure of Australian diplomacy which suggests incompetence.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership itself was no great triumph of the multilateralist system, but rather evidence of its failure. A trade deal which might have encompassed every nation has petered out as a goal with the stalling of the comprehensive trade talks which began at the end of last century within the World Trade Organisation. In the absence of a global agreement to lower all trade barriers, individual countries have negotiated side deals with others. Australia now has many of these, and is negotiating more.


The TPP was a larger and more complex version of the same process, but for the United States and to a lesser extent Australia, the TPP's benefits went beyond the economic. The previous US administration intended it not only to entrench US economic interests in the Pacific region through freer trade, but also to provide substantial backing for a new forward posture in the region, President Obama's pivot to Asia.

There are many who have questioned the economic value of the TPP for Australia. Some, including the Productivity Commission, questioned the secrecy of the whole process. The World Bank found early last year that while it would greatly benefit smaller economies in the region, it would result in economic growth in this country of just 0.7 per cent between 2016 and 2030. Not 0.7 per cent a year – 0.7 per cent over 15 years. For the United States, the figure was even smaller: 0.4 per cent.

Those numbers are aggregates for national GDP growth; within each national economy some sectors – agriculture in Australia, for example – would fare better and others worse as a result of the TPP. Within the United States, Mr Trump gained the votes of large numbers of those in economic sectors which would do worse. His appeal largely to white, non-college-educated voters was a shock for conventional politics. In hindsight, what is more surprising is that it was unexpected, because the anger of his supporters is reasonable. Internationalisation had exported their jobs overseas, and was threatening through the TPP to export more. America's values and its worship of success, not failure, have produced a patchy social welfare system; the redistribution of wealth through the tax system is viewed with deep suspicion. Tax cuts are for rich people. Thus globalisation's victims within the United States were doubly helpless: out of work in a society that gives little help to those who cannot help themselves.

The message of Donald Trump is not what some here and in the United States appear to think – namely, that reactionary bumpkins are always right. The real message his success sends to the world is that globalisation, despite its many benefits, can produce serious inequalities which, if not addressed, will eventually cause a dangerous, irrational and unpredictable reaction, like the rise of President Trump.

Because globalisation's benefits were not spread fairly, the TPP, an intricate and potentially valuable agreement which might have increased them, is now collateral damage.