

Dial T for a thorough Trumping

The tension puts every event involving Australia and the US up for grabs. That's bad for regional security and Australia's place in the world – but only if you use the normal lens of diplomacy and mutual respect.

The best thing to be said about Donald Trump is that, in Rumsfeldesque terms, he is a "known unknown".

Everyone knew the billionaire deal-maker and breaker was going to be erratic in the White House; that he was going to operate by his own rules and those of his alt-right advisers, not those insiders he says fill the swamp in Washington; and that he was going to baulk at accepting the 1250 refugees the Obama administration agreed to resettle from Australian camps on Nauru and Manus Island.

What we still don't know for certain is how Mr Trump will handle the myriad other nuances and compromises required when leading the free world, when he has to balance the interests of people of varying races, religions and political leanings, friends and foes alike.

This week he offered a clue – and it was not pretty.

The President gave Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull a thorough Trumping in a phone call devoid of niceties. The tension puts every event involving Australia and the US up for grabs. That's bad for regional security and Australia's place in the world – but only if you use the normal lens of diplomacy and mutual respect.

For Mr Trump, he was merely doing business.


"Just don't worry about it," he said after the backlash began. "We have to be tough, it's time we're going to be a little bit tough, folks. We're taken advantage by every nation in the world, virtually. It's not going to happen any more."

Sound familiar? In the 1987 book The Art of the Deal Mr Trump claims that when people treat him "badly or unfairly or try to take advantage of me", he fights back very hard. "The risk is you'll make a bad situation worse ... but my experience is that if you're fighting for something you believe in – even if it means alienating some people along the way – things usually work out for the best in the end."

He adds that "I never get too attached to one deal or one approach".

Mr Trump thinks the refugee agreement is variously dumb, stupid or the worst deal ever for America. The trade-off was meant to be that Australia would help the US ease the burden of asylum seeker camps in central America and perhaps accept some of those people as refugees. Mr Trump isn't too interested in helping them, though.

What's more, the Australia deal threatens Mr Trump's mantra that all Muslims are potential terrorists – a claim that is demonstrably false but commonly accepted. The Australia deal also undermines Mr Trump's visa ban on people from seven Muslim-majority nations – but notably not those from Saudi Arabia or Pakistan where terrorism festers.

Clearly Mr Trump doesn't need or want this deal just as much as Mr Turnbull does need and want it.

To his credit the Prime Minister seems to have done his best to get the President to deliver. If there is to be any criticism of Mr Turnbull it's that he should have criticised Mr Trump's visa ban and he should not have let his advisers spin the outcome of the refugee deal call so transparently towards "all is well". He and everyone else knew that Mr Trump was never going to deliver without caveats or demanding a pound of flesh later.

As it turns out, Mr Trump has given himself a clear escape plan via what the White House spokesman calls "very very extreme vetting" of the refugees. Indeed, the Herald warned in November that Mr Trump "looms as the key obstacle" to the much-needed refugee deal and that even if he accepted the agreement "any raising of the security checks on refugees entering the US might mean far fewer were resettled".

The deal was shaky then and is teetering now.

But let's not assume the US-Australia alliance is similarly fraught. The relationship is bigger than the sum of individual deals. Each party needs the other. Yes, the pendulum swings according to the geopolitical climate and domestic politics. Yes, Mr Trump has been too aggressive this time. But his administration quickly moved to reassure Australian ambassador Joe Hockey.

We can expect many more outbursts from Mr Trump before he sees that political deals are not as simple as business ones.

Canberra will need to plan for his known unknown approach to trade, security and America's allies. Unfortunately, there's no planning for any unknown unknowns that Mr Trump and his swamp-draining team might have in mind.