Federal Politics

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Politics live as government introduces refugee ban to Parliament

ScoMo's challenge to Labor

Continuing to push his budget repair agenda, Treasurer Scott Morrison says Labor is playing politics with superannuation changes.

Time to call an end to proceedings for me, Alex and Andrew. What happened?

  • Labor will oppose the Coalition's legislation that would ban people processed offshore from ever coming to Australia;
  • there was a very fiery question time as a result with the Coalition going after Labor's record on immigration;
  • there will be a parliamentary inquiry into the Racial Discrimination Act;
  • Liberal MP Russell Broadbent has hit back at colleague George Christensen's comments about Islam; and
  • the government wants its superannuation changes passed by the end of the year.

Gee - #auspol, where the fun never stops.

My thanks to Alex and Andrew for their super work and to you for reading and commenting.

You can follow me on Facebook.

The fellas and I will be back soon. Hope to see you then.


Mr Turnbull's own department has been forced to correct records showing a company he jointly-owned had been awarded a government contract, which could have raised questions about his election eligibility. 

James Robertson has more.

And that's it for question time.

There were 25 today!

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during question time on Tuesday.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during question time on Tuesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

The opposition is trying to get something, anything out of the Prime Minister about what he knew about the lease on Bob Day's electorate office.

It has had several goes so far and not had any joy. It is especially keen about the point that the government knew about this in August and yet everyone else only found out a short time ago.

"The government proceeded diligently on a complex matter," Mr Turnbull says.

When we knew what was going on, we acted.

Defence Industries' Minister Christopher Pyne is asked about the building watchdog legislation.

He deftly segues into new Labor senator Kimberley Kitching who, he says, managed to get parking tickets worth $6,500.

Good to see a dirt file on such prominent display. 

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Mr Turnbull is talking about people smugglers in language he once reserved for start ups: "They're agile! They use social media!"

He says Mr Shorten's decision today will lead to the same outcomes that Kevin Rudd's immigration policies did.

Shadow treasurer Chris Bowen is sent out of question time.
Shadow treasurer Chris Bowen is sent out of question time. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Every government question has been about immigration. Even when it didn't seem that way to begin with.

Labor has turned its attention to the lease on Bob Day's electorate office.

Mr Turnbull has taken two questions. In both answers he said all information had already been made available in the relevant ministers' statements to the Senate yesterday.

Assistant treasurer Kelly O'Dwyer said creditors of Mr Day would be paid in accordance with corporations' law.

There is so a Clueless meme in this picture by Alex Ellinghausen.

Labor MP Anne Aly listens to the Prime Minister answer her question.
Labor MP Anne Aly listens to the Prime Minister answer her question. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

It's a fiery old question time thus far.

Mr Turnbull answers another question from Labor about the 18C inquiry.

"We won't be lectured on human rights by a party that was so neglectful of the people whose lives were lost at seat," he says.

There is much outcry from Labor's side of the chamber.

Mr Dutton is speaking.

He says the government will be able to say "very shortly" where the people on Nauru and Manus Island will go.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten during question time on Tuesday.
Opposition Leader Bill Shorten during question time on Tuesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen
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Mr Shorten wants to know why Mr Turnbull's views on the Racial Discrimination Act have changed.

"What insults do you want people to be allowed to say?" he asks.

Mr Turnbull says the only thing he would like to see changed is "the constant insult to the intelligence of the Australian people" that is Mr Shorten.

"Talk about post truth politics," he exclaims.

Labor MPs Emma Husar and Susan Lamb in question time on Tuesday.
Labor MPs Emma Husar and Susan Lamb in question time on Tuesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Mr Turnbull takes a question from his own side about the government's immigration policies.

He harks back to the days of Kevin Rudd who "tore down John Howard's border protection policies" which led to "50,000 unlawful, irregular arrivals and 1,200 deaths of sea of which we know".

"That is on Labor's record. That should be on Labor's conscience," he says.

Labor MPs Emma Husar and Susan Lamb in question time on Tuesday.
Labor MPs Emma Husar and Susan Lamb in question time on Tuesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Labor MP Anne Aly begins with a question to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull about the inquiry into the Racial Discrimination Act.

She would like to know, among other things, if the AFP has been asked for its thoughts about whether such an inquiry is necessary.

Mr Turnbull says Australia is a proudly multicultural society but it is "perfectly appropriate" for a parliamentary committee to investigate laws to see "if they get the balance right".

Tony Abbott arrives for question time on Tuesday.
Tony Abbott arrives for question time on Tuesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Nearly question time.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull arrives for question time on Tuesday.
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull arrives for question time on Tuesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Attorney-General George Brandis has released a statement about the inquiry into the Racial Discrimination Act.

"Among other things, the Committee will examine whether the existing processes of the Commission are sufficient to ensure that trivial or vexatious complaints to the Commission, and complaints which have no reasonable prospects of success, are identified and dismissed at an early stage," Senator Brandis said in a statement.

"It will also examine ways to ensure that complaints are dealt with in an open and transparent way, without unreasonable delay, and in a manner which ensures those subject to complaints are afforded natural justice."

"It is important that Australia strikes the right balance between laws which protect social harmony and mutual respect, and the fundamental democratic value of freedom of speech. The purpose of the inquiry is to ensure that we have that balance right. Equally, it is important that the machinery for human rights protection in Australia operates in such a way as to ensure procedural fairness, and that it cannot be used as a vehicle for vexatious complaints."

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Treasurer Scott Morrison is also holding a press conference.

He wants the government's superannuation changes passed by Parliament this year.

That is, he believes, plenty of time.

Treasurer Scott Morrison on Tuesday.
Treasurer Scott Morrison on Tuesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

There will also an inquiry into the Racial Discrimination Act which will look at sections 18C and D.


Meanwhile, a briefing about what happened in the Coalition party room meeting has been held.

Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop assured MPs the government was ready to deal with either a Clinton or Trump administration.

There's a familiar face in the audience.

Former speaker Bronwyn Bishop listening to Senator Wong.
Former speaker Bronwyn Bishop listening to Senator Wong. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Labor's foreign affairs spokeswoman, Penny Wong, is speaking to the National Press Club.

She had been speaking about the importance of immigration and maintaining a tolerant, diverse society.

Senator Wong has commended Liberal MP Russell Broadbent for the speech he gave last night. But she is sad it was not given by a cabinet minister.

Senator Penny Wong addressing the National Press Club of Australia on Tuesday.
Senator Penny Wong addressing the National Press Club of Australia on Tuesday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen
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