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A big, fat problem: saturated fat and heart disease risk

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I was shocked at the end of a lunch I recently attended, hosted by a heart research institute that does literally lifesaving work. 

As I left I was given a "healthy heart" cookbook, sponsored by a margarine brand, which unsurprisingly included margarine (lower in saturated fat than butter) in every recipe.

I thought surely now we all agree a processed "food" like margarine, with its trans fats (not to mention added flavours, preservatives, emulsifiers and colouring compounds), isn't great for our hearts

My confusion was compounded this week when, in the space of two days, I received notifications about two contradictory papers.

First was a new paper published in British Medical Journal titled "High intake of saturated fats linked to increased coronary heart disease risk".

Then arrived an email about an editorial published in the journal Prescriber by a group of cardiologists rubbishing the link between saturated fat, cholesterol and heart disease.


The link between cholesterol and heart disease was not only "misguided", they argued, 75 per cent of those who have a heart attack do not have high cholesterol

So where does that leave us, aside from confused about how to eat to reduce our risk of heart disease, the leading cause of death in Australia

"There are a number of reasons why there is so much confusion," says nutritionist and dietitian Dr Rosemary Stanton.

For starters, researchers and food "activists" often "cherry-pick data to support their picture", Stanton explains.

This, in part, explains the contradictory messages of the two recent papers.

There is also the problem of conflict of interest where studies or organisations are sponsored or partnered, which may explain the margarine cookbook for a healthy heart.

Various organisations are attempting to address this problem, like the Heart Foundation which has decided to ditch the controversial "heart tick" (which was given to McDonald's, among other processed foods, making people apoplectic).

But, Stanton says, "It's huge. It's absolutely everywhere."

Then we have to consider the way data is collected in various studies. Let's consider the study from this week linking saturated fat to heart disease.

"Looking at the actual data collected, the group consuming the most saturated fat were also consuming double the trans fat of the group consuming the lowest amount of saturated fats, which means that those consuming the most saturated fats were eating processed food," says Christine Cronau, nutritionist and author of Bring Back the Fat

"This is a huge confounding issue. An absolute must of a good study is to isolate variables. If saturated fats have not been isolated from trans fats, the conclusion that saturated fat is associated with risk of heart disease is not accurate."

Stanton agrees that examining nutrients – saturated fat or "healthier" polyunsaturated fats (hello margarine and vegetable oils as well as nuts, seeds and salmon) for instance – often results in foods that are "totally unlike each other being lumped together".

Consider, she says, that the following foods all contain the same amount of saturated fat: 35 grams of cheese, 35g of white chocolate, 70g of potato crisps, 90g of roasted cashews, a small (145g) rump steak, a tablespoon of lard, 50g of polyunsaturated margarine, a small custard tart or 15g of hollandaise sauce. 

Similarly: "monounsaturated fats are the dominant type in chicken noodle soup, eggs, peanut oil, avocado, liquorice, almonds, rolled oats, chocolate chip muesli bars and chicken nuggets. It would be a nonsense to assume these foods were nutritionally equivalent, but when judged solely on their content of saturated or monounsaturated fat, that absurdity occurs.

"And when it comes to carbohydrates, where are they from? Oats are quite different from sugary drinks. Lollipops and lentils also have little in common except they are both considered as 'carbs'."

She also notes that studies finding no correlation between the total intake of full-fat dairy and heart disease were often misconstrued.

"People jumped to saying 'Well, butter is good for you and you can put butter in everything'," Stanton says. "When you look more closely, it was fermented dairy that seems to be protective – yoghurt and cheese ... it doesn't mean you can't eat butter, but just not too much of it."

Dr David Sullivan, a cholesterol expert, at the Royal Prince Alfred, agrees that looking at single nutrients rather than the foods themselves is problematic. 

"Multiple diets are healthy, multiple diets are unhealthy in general and in terms of cardiovascular health," says Sullivan, also the past president of the Australian Atherosclerosis Society.

"Processed foods are much more likely to be high in saturated fat. Processed food is all about saturated and trans saturated fat content – that is the problem."

He adds that "Moderate amounts of healthy fats are an absolutely appropriate part of a healthy diet" and says instead of getting caught up in cholesterol or saturated fat alone, we have to look at the whole picture of our diet, lifestyle and activity levels.

"There are a number of different factors that contribute to heart disease," he explains.

Our health and heart problems do not hinge on having more or less saturated fat necessarily, just as they do not hinge solely on cholesterol. Let's not confuse the issue, Stanton advises, by getting bogged down in one aspect of a broader debate without considering the context of how much of something we're eating, the source and what else we're eating and doing.

"It can seem complicated but it's really quite simple," Stanton says, adding that 35 per cent of the average Australian's kilojoule intake comes from junk foods and soft drinks.

"It's like looking at single nutrients, we shouldn't look at single risk factors."

How do the Australian Dietary Guidelines chew the fat?

Stanton says some of the public have dismissed the Australian Dietary Guidelines without considering their promotion of wholefoods – the one thing those on different sides of the dietary debate agree on.

"When we did the guidelines, which took four years, we took into account conflict of interest," she says.

"People have said they must be wrong because people got fatter, but almost no one follows them."

She adds that they have never recommended any limit on eggs, for instance, because the "evidence wasn't there" and says they advocate good fats: "They're not low-fat guidelines."

Originally published on smh.com.au as 'A big, fat problem: saturated fat and heart disease risk '.