How one woman fell head over heels for the handsome stranger she met in a TAXI (and no, it's not the plot of a Hollywood rom com!)

  • Hayley Mitchell, 27, ordered an UberPOOL home after a bad date in London
  • The hospital manager was put in a car with a 'handsome stranger' called Charlie 
  • Nine months on and the couple are living together near where they first met 
  • The way they met recalls a scene in 2010 romantic comedy The Back-up Plan

A beautiful young woman escapes a bad date by phoning for a taxi and ends up falling in love with the handsome stranger sitting in the front seat.

It might sound like the plot of a big screen romantic comedy but this is the real-life story of how Hayley Mitchell, 27, met boyfriend Charlie Algar, 28, nine months ago. 

In a scene reminiscent of Hollywood chick flick The Back-up Plan, their paths crossed, entirely by coincidence, when they shared the same UberPOOL home from Clapham, south London, one night in April last year.

Then just strangers, the pair chatted happily for the 10-minute journey before Charlie, an entrepreneur, asked Miss Mitchell for her phone number. 

Meeting on the move: Hayley Mitchell, 27, ordered an UberPOOL, which allows users to split the fare with other passengers, and was put in a car with entrepreneur Charlie Algar, pictured

Meeting on the move: Hayley Mitchell, 27, ordered an UberPOOL, which allows users to split the fare with other passengers, and was put in a car with entrepreneur Charlie Algar, pictured

Lasting love: The couple have celebrated their first Christmas and have moved in together

Lasting love: The couple have celebrated their first Christmas and have moved in together

'It seemed a little too good to be true,' she told MailOnline. But it wasn't.

Two days later she received a text from 'Charlie Uber' - the name she has kept in her phone book - and they arranged their first date, at a bar near Battersea.

Asked how it went, Hayley said simply: 'We just hit it off.'

The following day she was so excited her colleagues suspected she had met something special, and teased she had met 'the one'.  

Fast forward to October last year and the couple moved in together. They now live just 50ft from where the Uber picked up Hayley. 

Hayley said: 'We have celebrated our first Christmas together and we are looking forward to our first Valentine's together.' 


After years of dating, Zoe (Jennifer Lopez) decides Mr Right is taking too long and conceives twins through artificial insemination. 

The same day she meets Stan (Alex OLoughlin) when they hail the same taxi and their paths continue to cross. 

She tries to conceal her pregnancy before eventually revealing the reason for her unpredictable behaviour. He promises to stand by her.

The couple share ups and downs before Zoe ends the relationship, believing Stan is not ready to become a father. 

They reconcile and Stan is there for the birth of the twins. 

Miss Mitchell, a manager at St George's Hospital, in London, said she had gone on a date with another man but 'it was clearly not going well'.

'I was making my excuses quite quickly,' she said. 

She went to order an Uber but accidentally requested an UberPool, which allows customers travelling in the same direction to share a car and split the fare. 

But Hayley was not expecting another passenger so when she received an alert to say 'Charlie' was on his way in a car, she assumed it was the driver. 

'There was someone in the front seat so I thought he must be a learner Uber driver or something,' she said. 

Once he introduced himself she realised what had happened and said: 'Oh, you're Charlie'.

Miss Mitchell said: 'He thought that I knew him. I went along with it and said: "I can't believe you don't remember me" and he looked very pale all of a sudden. 

Instant attraction: At the end of the 10-minute journey Mr Algar asked for Miss Mitchell's number. The couple, pictured, have now been together for nine months

Instant attraction: At the end of the 10-minute journey Mr Algar asked for Miss Mitchell's number. The couple, pictured, have now been together for nine months

'He went on for about 10 minutes listing all these places we might have known each other from.' 

She admitted what she had done before they pulled up at his house. Fortunately, Charlie saw the funny side.

Hayley said: 'It was coming up to the Bank Holiday weekend at the start of May and he said: "What are you doing this weekend?"

'Because it had all happened so quickly, it sort of seemed a little to good to be true. But it wasn't and he text two days later.' 

She added it was 'so much nicer' to be able to tell friends and family that they met 'in real life' in an age where dating is dominated by social media. 

Rare: Miss Mitchell admitted it is 'so much nicer to be able to say you met someone in real life' in the age of dating apps and websites. Pictured, the couple together

Rare: Miss Mitchell admitted it is 'so much nicer to be able to say you met someone in real life' in the age of dating apps and websites. Pictured, the couple together

The romantic coincidence recalls a scene in 2010 film The Back Up Plan, which sees Jennifer Lopez's character meet the love of her life when they try to hail the same taxi.

And much like the fictional characters, Hayley and Charlie have also found their happily ever after.

The couple are looking forward to celebrating their first anniversary in April.

And while they haven't been back in an UberPool together since, the night still holds a special place in their hearts.   

Hayley added: 'We always joke we should send the Uber driver a bottle of Champagne!'


Passenger who bumped into an old school friend

Anthony: 'I was on my way to the pub, and noticed that the other passenger we were about to pick up in the UberPOOL was called Conto.

'I thought to myself that the only Ludo I've ever met or known was an old, old friend from school. We haven't seen each other for over 10 years. 

'As we got closer to the pick up point, there he was. What are the chances!'

Artist who picked up a producer (and a record deal)

 CJ: 'I'm an emerging artist looking to get signed. I was riding from my place near Brixton and another dude jumped in around the corner. 

'We got chatting, and turns out he's a producer. He and I have been in discussions over the past month and we've just signed a contract. 

'I have UberPOOL to thank if something big comes of this!'


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