Married couples reveal what REALLY brought them back from the brink of divorce (and their saving graces might surprise you)

  • A lot of marriages go through tough times but they can be saved 
  • People have been taking to Whisper to reveal what saved their marriage
  • Their answers range from grand schemes to small gestures   

A lot of marriages go through tough times during which divorce can often feel like the only option.

But it needn't be the end of the road, as these stories shared by couples who overcame marital strife prove.  

People have taken to Whisper, the anonymous sharing app, to reveal just how they came back from the brink of divorce and managed to patch things up in their marriage.

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Somebody took to Whisper to reveal that they nearly divorced their husband three years ago but that they are now celebrating their tenth anniversary - and it's all because she changed jobs

Swinging, or at least attempt to, has saved a couple's marriage because they have opened up on both commitment and intimacy now. They even claim to be feeling like teenagers again 

One person anonymously admitted that three years ago they nearly divorced their husband, but that now they are celebrating their tenth anniversary together.

She said changing jobs had been the breakthrough behind making their marriage work again.

Others said that a child helped their relationship, while somebody said simply leaving sweet messages on sticky notes for one another around the house saw their marriage improve.

One couple discovered that they could stay together if they got a job on the day shift and went to counselling - and they say they've never been happier 

One husband and wife saved their marriage by leaving each other cute sticky notes around the house - and it's working 

An anonymous husband revealed that their dog is the reason them and their wife are still together, with him saying she doesn't realise that raising a pet has kept them together 

One woman got pregnant when her and her husband were on the brink of divorce and he didn't want the baby. Now he adores the six-month-old and the couple are renewing their vows 

After nearly divorcing because they both cheated on each other, religion came in and saved this marriage 

An anonymous contributor said that going to bed naked together helps keep the love alive. Sex doesn't have to happen - skin to skin cuddling can help 

Not just a competitive game for teenagers, Pokemon Go just so happened to save somebody's marriage after they went to catch Pokemon and spent all night together 

When one woman's sex drive disappeared after four years of marriage, a husband started seeing an escort on the side and he says it saved their relationship 

Swinging, or at least attempt to, has saved a couple's marriage because they have opened up on both commitment and intimacy now. They even claim to be feeling like teenagers again 

One man has secretly admitted that he uses a menstruation app on his phone to track his wife's periods and predicting them ahead of time has saved their relationship

Whisper revealed that prison saved one couple's marriage after the pair realised how much they love and need each other - and they never want to be apart again 

Somebody actually took to Whisper to vent after they realised that their marriage was close to divorce and another anonymous user recommended a book which really helped them 

Distance really does make the heart grow fonder for one couple, while another person admitted that communication is key to a successful marriage 

One woman admitted that she cried herself to sleep for months when she found out she was pregnant with her third baby during marriage problems but it brought them back together

An anonymous Whisper user said she and her husband went for six months without sex but when he found out she liked it rough, he now wants to sleep together every single night 

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