Historians and journalists join fight against Baird government's land titles sell-off

The Baird government is facing growing resistance to its land titles registry privatisation plans, with historians and journalists expressing fear that higher costs will reduce their access to public information.

Already, because of recent fee hikes, it's estimated the NSW Police Force will have to pay $100,000 more this year to access Land and Property Information's (LPI) records.

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Why the Land Titles Registry matters

The Baird government is close to selling off NSW's "world-class" land titles registry - here's why that's a big deal.

Shadow Finance Minister Clayton Barr said based on LPI fee increases ahead of the lease, "there will be an increase from $30,000 to more than $130,000, just for LPI searches so the police can go about their job of catching criminals".

He said Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) investigators will also face higher costs, with profits going to the private operator, not public services.

"Information about title registrations allow the ICAC to investigate the crimes of people such as Eddie Obeid by pursuing them through their property ownership and investments," he said.

Adding their voices to protests of the property and legal professions, the Royal Australian Historical Society and the Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA) fear the privatisation of LPI will make accessing land ownership and other records prohibitively expensive.


Carol Liston, president of the Royal Australian Historical Society, said she was "horrified" by the government's "appalling" decision to lease the registry for 35 years.

"Our fear is if these records are removed from the custody of the bureaucrats who understand them and have been their guardians for centuries, the records would no longer be kept as a complete chain of verifiable information," said Associate Professor, a history expert at University of Western Sydney.

She said the society's 40,000 members were concerned about higher fees, having already been forced to start going to brokers such as SAI Global from mid-last year for records after 1961.

"The records are now concealed behind these corporate websites and some of their charges are extremely high," she said.

The legal and property sectors in NSW are fighting to stop the privatisation, saying it risks compromising the integrity of a world-envied land system that underpins $1.2 trillion in real estate and $130 billion in economic activity every year.

The MEAA, the union for journalists, said the privatisation could impact on press freedom. It's been buoyed by the federal government's recent decision to scrap plans to sell the Australian ­Securities and Investments Commission's companies registry.

"In the interests of accountability and transparency, information such as that contained in the land titles registry is best kept in public hands and easily accessible to both the media and the general public," he said.

"The risks are always that private operators who are seeking to maximise their investment will introduce new or higher fees."

In the UK, where the Tory government eventually abandoned its plans to sell its land registry, the media union said the move was a threat to investigative journalism.

Pauline Wright, president of Law Society of New South Wales, said "dramatically higher" costs to NSW Police and ICAC when accessing LPI records was an unintended consequence of the privatisation.

"It's a significant impost and it causes us great concern," she said. "Our investigating bodies need to have reasonably priced access to information."

An ICAC spokeswoman said the ICAC's jurisdiction extends to those performing public official functions.

A Baird government spokesperson said the Registrar-General, who will oversee the concession holder, will be subject to investigation by ICAC.

"The operator will be required to keep all state records in respect of the concession in safe custody and preserve all state records," the spokesperson said.

"Prices of regulated services will only be permitted to increase by up to CPI ... any non-core services ... will require the approval of the Registrar-General."

On January 1, LPI began charging new fees for any requisitions raised for documents, plans and associated instruments, further increasing its bottom line.

Greens MP Justin Field has launched a community petition to stop the privatisation, saying: "we still have time to stop it here in NSW."

History Council of NSW and Professional Historians Association NSW both said they shared the Society's concerns. NSW Police declined to comment.

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Read letters about the lease on December 5 and December 10, and the Herald's editorial.


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