Posts Tagged ‘ABC – Anarchist Solidarity Cell’

Solidarity from imprisoned anarchist comrades in Korydallos Prison, Athens, to uprising prisoners in USA (Greece)

Wednesday, October 5th, 2016

Dear comrades,
This is a banner from Greek prisoners (Koridalos Athens) to be forwarded to American prisoners.

In solidarity
ABC- Solidarity Cell

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Posted in Prison Struggle

Athens: Protest outside of the American embassy in solidarity to the prison labour strike (Greece)

Wednesday, October 5th, 2016

Inside the framework of the international day of solidarity to the struggle of the US prisoners that was called by the Anarchist Black Cross-Solidarity Cell, a protest outside of the American embassy took place.

ABC solidarity cell, Assembly for solidarity to political prisoners, Assembly for solidarity to the prisoners’ struggle against slavery, A.S.M.P.A., Assembly of anarchists communists for the class counter attack against the European union as well as other comrades participated in the protest. During the protest, slogans were shouted, flyers were spread, texts were given out and banners were hanged.

Anarchist Black Cross – Solidarity Cell

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Posted in Prison Struggle

1/10/16 – International Day of Solidarity with the Prison Struggle in USA

Saturday, September 24th, 2016

Prisons in the USA – The dark side of slavery in American society

In order to be in the position to understand the importance and necessity of the us prisoners’ struggle, we first need to analyze the role of slavery in the foundation and evolution of the american state and its historical and integral ,until today, link with the capital.

Slavery in its many forms was actually the foundation on which the omnipotence of american overlordship was gradually built. The root of this phenomenon can be traced back in the era when the christian empires of europe started a race to conquest unknown lands, founding colonialism regimes, in the era of brutal genocides of the indigenous populations and the slave trade of the non-white african population. Since then and until today, the social and political circumstances have rapidly changed, mainly because of a heavy blood tax that has been paid from beneath, towards the direction of the total shaking off of slavery as an institution. However, it continues up until today, more or less covered.

Today’s prisoners’ class and racial composition, the spreading of private prisons, the institutionalization of enforced labor as a form of criminal sanction, the exploitation of prisoners by big companies highlight the fundamental connection between state-capitalism-slavery and prison. (more…)

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Posted in Prison Struggle

ABC Solidarity Cell: Strength to the anarchist hunger striker Martin Ignačák (Greece)

Tuesday, June 28th, 2016

Update by AntiFénix: Martin has suspended his hunger strike.

Action at the embassy of the Czech Republic in Athens; the banner reads: “Solidarity with the anarchist hunger striker Martin Ignačák – ABC Solidarity Cell”

Embassy of the Czech Republic in Athens spray-painted: “Freedom to Martin Ignačák – Anarchist Black Cross”

Czech embassy’s entrance spray-painted; flyers thrown in support of incarcerated anarchist Martin Ignačák

In April 2015, the Czech State launched a repressive campaign under the name “Operation Fénix” targeting the anarchist movement that’s active on its territory.

Raids on fighters’ homes, arrests, personal belongings confiscated, relatives and friends of the arrestees harassed, and accusatory dossiers cooked up in police offices. Eleven fighters were arrested as a result of this operation, of whom four were sent to remand prisons of the Czech Republic, while the rest were given restrictive bail conditions. All this has been portrayed in the media as a coordinated effort towards dismantling “terrorist networks”, such as the Network of Revolutionary Cells (SRB) who’ve claimed responsibility for dozens of incendiary attacks against statist and capitalist targets. Also one of the comrades is charged with participating in another attack that, according to the media, was carried out with Molotov cocktails against the house of the Minister of National Defence.

Martin Ignačák, who is accused of plotting attack on a train transporting military equipment, was in fact trapped by government agents who had infiltrated anarchist circles and indicated the target to Martin along with plans about how to carry out such an attack. (more…)

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Posted in Direct Action