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Perth Zoo welcomes a second tree kangaroo joey to its ranks

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Perth Zoo has celebrated the birth of another Goodfellow's Tree Kangaroo.

Haroli was the size of a jellybean back in July 2016, but is now starting to become noticeable - he follows the arrival of Mian who was the first Tree Kangaroo to be born at the Zoo in 36 years.

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Perth Zoo wecomes second tree kangaroo joey

Perth Zoo celebrates the birth of an endangered Goodfellow's Tree Kangaroo.

"Haroli and Mian are half-brothers, both fathered by 'Huli who came to Perth Zoo from Queensland in 2015 after being identified as the best genetic match for the breeding program," said fauna keeper Kerry Pickles.

"Mother Doba is a first time mum and is very cautious with her joey who has been keeping his head out of the pouch more frequently."

The Zoo believes Haroli may leave the pouch sooner than Mian did due to the warmer weather.

"Doba is also beginning to spend a lot of time on the larger logs and platforms, as she prepares for Haroli to take his first tentative steps outside of her protective pouch."

Native to Papua New Guinea, Goodfellow's Tree Kangaroos are so endangered that zoos around the world have been working together to coordinate breeding in the hope to reverse their decline.

Haroli is the 16th male tree kangaroo to be born as part of the global program.