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Gān tō: þurhfōr, sēcan
Paris montage 2013.jpg
Eifelturr, Hereleorninghus, Marsfelð, Chaillotheall, La Dēfense

Paris oþþe Parisiace is burg in Francland. Hit is Frencisc hēafodburg. His ealda nama under þǣm Rōmāniscan Rīce wæs Lutetia. Þǣr oneardiaþ 2,166,200 lēoda.

Stǣr[adihtan | ādihtan fruman]

Ǣrost stǣr[adihtan | ādihtan fruman]

Þǣr sindon tācnu unlǣre wununge binnan þǣm lande Parises þisra daga fram oþþe þǣm 4000. oþþe þǣm 3800. gēare fore Crīste. Hī sindon þā lāfa þreora æscincla þā wǣron gefunden nēah þǣre Sigene on þǣm 12. dǣle Parises, and man cann hī nū on Cranfaletstǣrhūse sēon.

Ac þæt stǣr þæs landscipes Parises nis wel gecūþ ōþ þā Gallrōmāniscan yldo. Þā Parisingas, ān 98 Gallia þēoda, wunodon þǣr on þǣm 52. gēare fore Crīste, and þonne hī wǣron oferdrifen fram þǣm Rōmānum. Wē niton eallrihte þā mearce þǣre Galliscan byrig. Sēo Rōmānisce burg hātte Lutetia.

Lutetia næs swīðe grēat Gallrōmānisc burg, forþǣm hēo hæfde ēaðe efne oþþe fīđ oþþe six þūsenda manna þǣr hēo mǣst wæs. And Lugdunum hæfde gewēne oþþe 50 000 oþþe 60 000 inwunienda on þǣm 2. hundredgēare.

Saga secgaþ þe sēo burg wæs gecrīstnod fram Denise Hālgan, þe wæs gemartyrod ymb þǣt 250. gēar.

Se fæsta stede Lutetie drēag ēac grēata infara, and wæs se hām Iulianes Cāseres betweox þǣm 357. gēare and þǣm 360., and þonne Ualentinianes I Cāseres under þǣm 365. gēare and þǣm 366. Sēo burg wearþ Paris gehāten under þisse ildo. On þǣm 451. gēare, Sancte Genouefa oferreahte þā lēode Parises þæt hī ne flēon þā Hūnas, þe lætemest abugon lēas feohtes.

Middel ildo[adihtan | ādihtan fruman]

On þǣm 508. gēare, Hloþwig wende Paris on his hēafodburg siþþan hē oferwann þone mǣstan dǣl Gallia. Hē staðolode his hēafodlicne hām, and ēac sumu godcund bold. Geond þæt 6. hundredgēare and þæt 7. wæs Paris wel hefig, þēah þe sēo tōdǣlung Hlōþwiges rīces betweox his cildrum gelytlode þne hefe Parises be dǣle. For þām timbrode Cildebert I þā mǣstan hēafodcirican Gallia; þæs wæs Sanct Stephanus Hēafodcirice. Cildebert II timbrode eft þā Gallrōmāniscan hringsetu. Under þissum tīman