News Wire


Humphries 'sorry' for new Australians gibe

An agent for Barry Humphries has apologised for any offence caused by the entertainer’s comments referring to the eye shape of new Australians.

Famous for his much-loved and outspoken characters Dame Edna Everage and Sir Les Patterson, Humphries, 78, offered his take on Australian citizenship as his wife, Lizzie Spender, joined the dinky di ranks in London.

‘‘At least my wife came to our country voluntarily and not against her wishes. She has the right-shaped eyes. A lot of new Australians are Chinese,’’ London’s Evening Standard newspaper quotes Humphries as saying after his wife’s citizenship ceremony this week.

Spender, 62, Humphries’s fourth wife of 22 years, is most eligible to join the antipodean clan, according to her spouse.

‘‘She’s a lot more Australian than our Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, who is a 10-pound pom with an Adelaide accent,’’ he continued.

A spokesman for Humphries offered an apology yesterday to anyone who took offence at the comments.


‘‘He would never want to offend anybody a lot of what Barry says to the press is in jest,’’ the spokesman said.

Spender splits her time between Britain and Australia, where she cares for wild brumby horses in the outback.

‘‘I’m very proud to be an Australian and pledge my loyalty to Barry’s homeland,’’ Spender told the Standard.

For her private citizenship ceremony at London’s Australia House, Spender wore a Carla Zampatti-designed dress and was accompanied by Aussie author and social commentator Kathy Lette.