Fairfax Media Network

Illawarra Weather

Sun 10:00 EDT
Current Warnings

Illawarra Forecast

  • Sunday Hot. Partly cloudy. Slight (30%) chance of a showers and thunderstorms during this afternoon and evening. Winds NW 25 to 35 km/h tending NW/NE 15 to 20 km/h in the evening then becoming light in the late evening. Daytime maximum temperatures in the mid to high 30s.

  • Monday Partly cloudy. Medium (40%) chance of rain in the late afternoon and evening. The chance of a thunderstorm in the afternoon and evening. Winds SE/SW 15 to 20 km/h tending NW/SW 15 to 25 km/h in the morning then tending S/SE 25 to 35 km/h in the middle of the day.

  • Tuesday Cloudy. High (80%) chance of showers. The chance of a thunderstorm. Winds S/SW 15 to 25 km/h turning SE during the day.

  • Wednesday Cloudy. High (70%) chance of showers, most likely in the morning and afternoon. Winds SE 15 to 25 km/h turning E/NE 15 to 20 km/h during the day.

Issued Sun 05:15 EDT

Illawarra Weather Forecasts

Forecast Min Max Chance of rain Rain amount Frost risk 9am 3pm
Wind RH Wind RH
°C °C km/h % km/h %
Mostly cloudy
22 37 50% 1-5mm Nil NNW 9 60 N 15 45
Late shower
21 36 80% 1-5mm Nil NW 20 53 NNW 22 38
Possible shower
22 37 50% 1-5mm Nil NW 10 59 N 16 42
Mostly cloudy
23 36 50% 1-5mm Nil N 13 70 NNE 13 54

Now Temperature

At Darwin Ap

11:40 CST





Possible thunderstorm


Weather News

'Monsoon burst' causes havoc on Darwin roads, minor flooding

13:00 EDT

It has been a wet 24 hours in Darwin, with a dumping more than 200 millimetres of rain over the city, causing havoc on the roads.

Darwin gets soaked within monsoon trough

11:34 EDT

An active monsoon trough continues to intersect the northern Kimberley and Top End, leading to thunderstorms and heavy rainfall over large parts of northern Australia, including Darwin.

Sydney weather: City sizzles with mercury expected to pass 40C in some areas

11:30 EDT

Sydney's sweaty summer is expected to continue on Sunday with the mercury tipped to pass 40 degrees Celsius in parts of the city.