
Updated: 18:43 EST

Nigel Farage is sharing his pad with French politician

Former Ukip leader Nigel Farage is sharing a secret £4 million bachelor pad with an attractive French politician at the centre of a probe into illegal funding of his party. Laure Ferrari, who is 15 years younger than the married Brexit campaigner, moved in with Mr Farage in a grand Georgian house in an upmarket area of West London last week. She was photographed outside the property early on Friday morning, dressed in tracksuit bottoms and putting out the bins (centre), shortly before Mr Farage left in his chauffeur-driven Land Rover (right). Mr Farage (top left) last night confirmed that Miss Ferrari had been living at his Chelsea house(bottom left) but said it was 'crackers' to suggest they were having an affair. He said he 'knew her well' but was just helping her out with somewhere to stay. Miss Ferrari and Mr Farage first met a decade ago when she was a waitress and he got her a job in the European Parliament.

Beckham's jaw-dropping excuse for his leaked c-word rants 

In fairness, it was never going to be easy for David Beckham to repair his shredded public image. But in giving it his best shot yesterday, the former England star offered an extraordinary excuse. He insisted through friends that he was a 'normal person' who was just 'extremely disappointed' at being passed over for a knighthood. Ahead of Beckham's appearance on the Jonathan Ross Show, agent Simon Oliveira allegedly wrote in an email to the programme's producers: 'Maybe Jonathan should ask about the knighthood and say he should get it. What do you think? David is up for it.' Beckham learned a few weeks after the show (bottom) that his bid had failed. Pictured top: Beckham at a fashion launch in 2016.

The pupil, who has not been named, is believed to have started experiencing difficulties while eating lunch in the dining hall at Anlaby Primary School in Hull on Friday.

Daily Mail News Tips Daily Mail News Tips

Tyler Daniels, 21, (pictured) from Essex, claims he has been locked out of his accounts while Barclays conducts an investigation after he noticed the unusual bank statement.

Three in five boys and girls born to co-habiting couples in Britain will see their parents split up before they reach their teenage years.

From Asian action movies to baseball films, the list allows you to access thousands of sub-genres on the streaming service. All you have to do is change the code on the end of the 'genre' URL.

George Michael's lover is in the clear over singer's death

George Michael's boyfriend Fadi Fawaz has been told by police that he is no longer part of their investigation into the singer's death. The celebrity hairdresser was quizzed by Thames Valley Police last month as they tried to piece together the last hours of the star's life before he died at his Oxfordshire home, aged 53. Mr Fawaz, 40, is viewed as a controversial figure by some members of the singer's family - particularly after his claim that he spent the night sleeping in his car before finding George dead on Christmas Day.

Tessa Dunlop, a BBC Coast presenter, opens up about her experience with equine therapy in Grange Farm, Chapel-Y-Fin on the Welsh borders, that helps her cope with her grief after the loss of her baby.

Doctors have welcomed the introduction of a £40 kit which allows expectant mothers to test themselves for Group B Strep, which is harmless in adults but can trigger deadly illnesses in children.

The University of Bristol's science department was evacuated after a student accidentally concocted a deadly explosive - the same as that used in the 7/7 bombings.

Brain tumours are going undiagnosed in teenagers because symptoms like mood swings and tiredness are mistaken for adolescent angst or exam stress, says a Nottingham University professor.

Support grows for Sir David Beckham after hacked emails

Beckham (pictured left) was at a skatepark in London watching his son Brooklyn (right) with his friends. Several emails were released yesterday appearing to show an elongated push by his PR team to secure recognition from the Queen, and that he was furious when he did not receive one. But the allegations appear to have only boosted his public standing, with #SirDavidBeckham appearing on Twitter. Unicef has also leaped to the defence of their ambassador (pictured inset on a philanthropic trip) despite allegations that he demanded £6,685 from the charity for a business class flight and refused to donated $1million of his own money.

Fitness monitors use an accelerometer to arm movements, which can be deceptive. Researchers from the University of Ireland, Galway, found all devices counted 'false positive' steps.

Dubious firms acting for ambulance-chasing lawyers have been encouraging tourists to concoct stories of food poisoning at all-inclusive resorts with the promise of £5,000 payouts.

Sheridan Smith's schoolgirl abduction drama branded 'sick'

June and Gordon Matthews described BBC drama The Moorside as a disgrace. The two-part series dramatises the abduction of their granddaughter Shannon, by their daughter Karen. Shannon, then nine, was found 24 days later drugged and tethered beneath a bed. Karen, from Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, was jailed for eight years in 2008 but was released in 2012 after serving half her sentence. Sheridan Smith stars in the drama as neighbour Julie Bushby.

The adage 'older and wiser' certainly rings true for these women, who have taken to parenting website Mumsnet to share the things they didn't learn in life until they were past 35..

Romania's prime minister has announced that the government will repeal the contentious decree after the biggest protests in the country since the fall of dictator Nicolae Ceausescu in 1989.

The London Mayor said the danger of attacks in the capital had risen since he entered city hall last May and keeping people safe was becoming 'increasingly difficult'.

World leaders duped by manipulated global warming data

The Mail on Sunday today reveals astonishing evidence that the organisation that is the world's leading source of climate data rushed to publish a landmark paper that exaggerated global warming and was timed to influence the historic Paris Agreement on climate change. The report claimed that the 'pause' or 'slowdown' in global warming in the period since 1998 - revealed by UN scientists in 2013 - never existed, and that world temperatures had been rising faster than scientists expected. But the whistleblower, Dr John Bates, a top NOAA scientist with an impeccable reputation, has shown The Mail on Sunday irrefutable evidence that the paper was based on misleading, 'unverified' data.

Almost a week's worth of rain is set to fall in Britain on Monday with Wales, the west of England and Scotland among the worst affected areas. Up to 20mm of rain and 60mph winds will batter the UK.

Security lapse leaves May's plane a terror target

Terrorists can follow every movement of the Prime Minister's official aircraft live by using a mobile phone app, the Mail on Sunday can reveal. The astonishing security lapse made Theresa May 'a flying target' as she arrived in the terror hotspot of Turkey from Washington last week, experts warned.

Barry Gardiner, the shadow international trade secretary, has received £180,000 from a firm with links to the Chinese state. Law firm boss Christine Lee's son works in the MP's office.

Thousands protest Donald Trump's travel ban in London

Marchers protested the US President's travel ban, and many brandished placards with insulting messages directed at Donald Trump. Organisers say 40,000 people joined the rally in central London, which called on Theresa May to withdraw the offer of a state visit.

James Robart, the Seattle judge derided by President Donald Trump on Twitter Saturday after blocking Trump's order on immigration is known for his conservative legal views.

A British man and a woman have been arrested in London after Washington DC's CCTV cameras were hacked just days before Donald Trump's inauguration.

Though the US state department has reversed the cancellations of visas for foreigners, there are still many protests against the ban. Many major cities across the US and world held rallies.

New documents confirm Donald Trump retains ties to his business interests through a revocable trust now being overseen by his son Donald Trump Jr. and an executive of Trump Organization.

Iran is today testing missile and radar systems to 'showcase its power' to new US President Donald Trump. The test retaliates to sanctions on Tehran yesterday for a recent ballistic missile trial.

Donald Trump slams decision to halt immigration order

Donald Trump has slammed a 'so-called' judge's decision to controversially halt his immigration order and claims some Middle Eastern countries agree with the ban. U.S. District judge James Robart issued a ruling Friday that temporarily halted Trump's order banning travelers and immigrants from seven Muslim-majority countries. A furious Trump fired off a series of tweets on Saturday morning as major airlines started allowing passengers from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen to fly to U.S. cities if they had valid documents. The President said it was 'big trouble' when a country could no longer control who can come in and out, before adding that certain Middle-Eastern countries agree with his ban. Trump then took aim at 'so-called' Judge Robart vowing to overturn his ruling. It comes after Qatar Airways was the first to say on Saturday morning it would allow previously banner passengers to fly to U.S. cities following the judge's ruling. Air France, Etihad Airlines, Emirates, Spain's Iberia and German airline Lufthansa all followed suit. The White House slammed the judge's ruling as 'outrageous' and vowed to appeal as soon as possible.

The Swiss International flight from Zurich to California on Wednesday made an emergency landing at Iqaluit Airport in Canada after one of the engines stopped working.

Oliver Colvile, the Conservative MP for Plymouth Sutton and Devonport, has been granted a debate in Parliament next week on seagulls in coastal towns and cities.

A 50-year-old man living in Spain was today questioned on suspicion of the murder of notorious criminal John 'Goldfinger' Palmer (pictured). He was interviewed this morning at a UK police station.

Princess Beatrice attends wedding with other royal guests

Princess Beatrice attended a lavish wedding ceremony along with other royals from around the world as socialites Filippos Lemos and Marianna Goulandris got married in London (inset). The 28-year-old (left) looked happy wearing a black and white dress as she spent the day celebrating the stylish wedding in the capital. She was at the ceremony which took place at the Orthodox Cathedral of St. Sophia near Hyde Park, west London. The bride wore a traditional white wedding dress and looked glamorous as she walked out of the cathedral (main image). Other royals who attended the wedding included Queen Maxima of Netherlands (left, inset) and King Constantine II of Greece. After the ceremony, the newlyweds got into a silver Mercedes-Benz (bottom right) - which had gull-wing doors - and drove off together (top right).

Frail Eileen Blane, 87, was kicked and punched to the ground by a vicious robber who forced his way into her home, in Stretford, Manchester. She received blows to the head and her wedding ring was stolen.

The number of claims of child sex offences made by people under 18 has nearly doubled to over 9,000 in four years, according to a Freedom of Information request by Barnardo's. (Stock image)

A new high-end category of the sparkling Spanish wine is set to go on sale soon with bottles expected to be priced between £34 and £86.

A home video showing a very different side to the 'loner' pensioner found dead on Saddleworth Moor has been released. David Lytton, 67, is seen getting close to a female friend and dancing at a wedding.

Bizarre mugshot of McDonald's menace released by police

Police have released a bizarre mugshot of a toothless woman who was banned from McDonald's restaurants in her home town. Denise Wheeler, 47, from Northamptonshire has been banned for two years after a string of complaints. Northamptonshire Police issued her unforgettable mug-shot after securing the ban at the town's magistrate's court last week. A spokesperson from the force's Anti-Social Behaviour Unit said: 'We always try and resolve any issues locally to help improve the situation. 'However, if behaviours persist we take it very seriously and will look to pursue legal action as a last resort in order to improve the condition for local residents.'

CBB's Jedward delete vitriolic early morning tweets

But by 8am they had been removed, with just a tweet thanking fans for their support over the last month left at the top of the page.

Baffled onlookers saw Florin Grosu, 33, lying face down in the road in Romford, East London. He was caught on camera thrusting his hips while looking around sheepishly at 11am.

There are around 2,000 known asteroids measuring over 3,000ft in diameter that could eventually strike our planet in the next billion years, according to experts.

The price of a pint of beer in the UK is set to increase by 5p after a 'crippling' 19 per cent rise in business rates for pubs will be introduced by the Government.

Rafael Schvartzman, European vice-president of the International Air Transport Association, said that airlines would only back the third runway if fees remained at current levels.

Yateley family raise £225,000 to help son with cancer

A family who raised £225,000 with the help of their community for life-saving cancer surgery for their two-year-old son have been told they must find another £215,000 in a 'punch in the guts'. Little Freddie Hunt from Hampshire suffers up to 80 fits a day and doctors warned his parents he was a 'ticking timebomb' after a brain scan revealed a tumour the size of a fist in his head. NHS doctors did not have the specialist facilities to operate on a tumour that size so his parents, David and Abi Hunt, raised £225,000 for surgery in America following a huge community effort. But when they got to Arizona they were told the total would be closer to £450,000.

The state pension age in Britain could be pushed back yet again and young people may have to work until they are 74, experts are warning.

WARNING: CONTAINS GRAPHIC IMAGES Megan Pointon was on a night-out when she was showered with shards of glass in Burton-on-Trent.

The frozen food giant uses WhatsApp to share information about shoplifters and thugs who assault staff. But the Information Commissioner's Office called the groups illegal.

Why we should ALL be following the Scandinavian lifestyle

The Scandi lifestyle is one of the healthiest and happiest in the world. Need proof? Just look to fitness blogger Faya Nilsson, 30, left and right, who lives in London, and has amassed hundreds of thousands of followers. Faya, 30, who runs the hugely popular Fitness on Toast site, grew up on a farm in a small town in the south of Sweden called Karlskrona, then spent her teenage years in Stockholm, before moving to London just under 10 years ago. She has penned a book revealing how to live like a Scandi and shares her best diet, inset, fitness and lifestyle tips with FEMAIL.

Doctors in Germany and Austria interviewed patients about to have surgery about their fear and anxiety and asked if they regularly watched medical TV shows.

Set in the glorious Cych Valley, Wales, lies n elegant Georgian manor house, once a recording home for Genesis, Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin to be inspired by the freedom of the country.

Parfitt's dying wish almost ruined when ex claims guitar

Rick Parfitt (pictured) had his dying wish denied when his third wife Lyndsay took his beloved guitar days before the rockstar's funeral, it is claimed. The Status Quo guitarist wanted his white Fender Telecaster to be front and centre at his funeral service - but instead a replica had to be made.

Vile footage of a man racially abusing a mixed-race commuter on a Manchester bus has been shared more than 500,000 times on Facebook. The victim is seen being called a 'dirty little black c***'.

Steve Tully, 59, plucked up the courage to approach Reginald Kray when he was serving time with the notorious London gangster in Parkhurst and went on to rob and scam his way to fortunes.

Former Lords Speaker Baroness D'Souza said 'many' peers did no work and one arrived by taxi, then left the House of Lords in the same vehicle ten minutes later.

A senior paramedic opens up anonymously about the back-breaking work every day working in the British ambulance services and what lies in store for the future with the increasing pressure on our NHS.



Hit and stun! Incredible moment Met Police deliberately ram a stolen moped and send its two riders flying before setting the dogs on them (and boast it's all entirely legal)

Helicopter footage shows the police car making 'tactical contact' with the moped in Merton, south west London, on Friday. After being thrown off the moped, two men can be seen running away from officers. Both men have now been arrested on suspicion of theft. The footage was shared on Twitter by the Metropolitan Police's Roads & Transport Policing Command.

Child rapist Muhamed Avais fled the UK a day before he was set to stand trial charged with abusing a young girl. He was tracked down to Abu Dhabi, UAE and jailed for 20 years on Friday.

Saffron Curtiss-McGinty dressed a cuddly dog toy in a baby grow and drew a face on a bra in a bizarre effort to fool security staff at a B&M; Bargains store in Solihull, West Midlands.

If everything goes according to plan then it won't be long before Windsor Great Park is producing a quality Champagne-style wine of sufficient calibre to be served at royal occasions.

I maintained a decent relationship with my now former wife, but my partner has a poor relationship with her ex, who is often obstructive and argumentative.

Mum's real life Robocop: Paralysed policewoman walks again

Nicki Donnelly, from Birmingham, was a rising star of the police force with six bravery commendations when a car crash paralysed her from the waist down, but now she walks again. A heart-breaking birthday wish from daughter Eleanor when she was five, for mummy to walk again, gave her renewed determination to recover and now, thanks to £100,000 state-of-the-art bionic legs, she can walk again. Mother and daughter were both in floods of tears as she walked after just seven weeks with the legs.

Three security workers at London-based security firm Capita have been arrested by the Metropolitan Police. One is understood to be 46-year-old Martin Crean (pictured) from Romford.

Horrible Histories writer Terry Deary, 71, said the historian had a 'posh little voice', before describing her as a 'b****'. He said they met as guest judges on MasterChef in 2014.

Police in Colombia have arrested a 17-year-old drug gang leader accused of carrying out more than 30 murders. Authorities are identifying the teenage killer only by his nickname of 'Frijolito' or 'Little Bean'.

Revenge of the Robocars?

Government-commissioned research into driverless cars gives a bleak view of what could happen when UK streets are taken over by cars that can be overpowered by cunning criminals. As trials of the vehicles are underways in Greenwich, Bristol, Coventry and Milton Keynes, the scenarios imagine that cars will decide between the death of a pensioner or a baby and the vehicles could be hijacked to reveal addresses of celebrities. The government invested £100 million for testing infrastructure but the Department for Transport is aware that the public will have to be convinced that it is safe to let computers take control of the steering wheel and brakes of a speeding car.

Kala Brown, 30, will speak out for the first time after her dramatic rescue from being chained in a storage container for two months and watching her captor, Todd Kohlhepp, kill her boyfriend Charlie Carver.

Drug dealer Stuart Walsh from Wythenshawe, Manchester has been jailed for three years after he tried to blackmail landlord of the Firbank Pub and Kitchen Simon Delaney.

A bishop with links to Prince Charles has been freed from prison after half his sentence for sex offences. Peter Ball (pictured) served only 16 months for molesting aspiring young monks.

Systems like Slendertone that slimmers use to target muscle groups could be more effective that compression stockings for poor leg circulation, a study by London hospitals shows.

Formed in the 1920s, the 30-strong display team from the Royal Corps of Signals is viewed by senior officers as not representative of today's high-tech Armed Forces, according to insiders.

Supermarkets ban online sales as rationing buying spreads

Shoppers in the UK are being stopped from bulk-buying vegetables such iceberg lettuce, courgettes, broccoli and aubergines due to a growing fresh produce shortage caused by extreme weather in Spain. But despite the empty shelves across Britain (including at Tesco in Goole, East Yorkshire, right), supermarkets in Spain are displaying an abundance of fresh vegetables (Mercadona supermarket in Mijas, Malaga, left).

Sophie Gregoire Trudeau ecounted her struggle with bulimia at an event on Thursday in Ottawa, Canada, during the country's Eating Disorder Awareness Week.

Theresa May will seek to avoid a revolt in the Tory shires by promising that new homes will not be built on the green belt unless all other options have been 'exhausted'.

Many assume for ideological reasons that boarding is 'not right' for UK children from certain backgrounds, those leading the project claim. Pictured: Nadia Hassan, who is off to Marlborough College.

A woman from County Durham who claimed over £500,000 worth of benefits which she was not entitled to was caught dancing to Michael Jackson's song Bad despite claiming she could not move her arms.

Brave train manager tells a 'drunken racist' solicitor to get off a train after he hurled abuse at a mother and her son and told them they shouldn't be in first class 

Alexander 'AJ' MacKinnon (left), 47, was filmed hurling racist abuse at Sanaa Shahid and her four-year-old son Zayn (inset) while the pair were travelling home to Glasgow from London on Virgin train in December. In the shocking footage, MacKinnon is seen swearing at the young boy. But a heroic train guard confronted the solicitor and called him a 'drunken racist' before kicking him off the train (right). MacKinnon appeared at Carlisle Magistrates Court earlier this week and admitted a racially aggravated public order offence. He was fined £1154, plus £50 compensation, a £150 victim surcharge and £85 in court costs.

Britain's highest-paid academy boss now earns three times the salary of the Prime Minister following a bumper annual pay rise of around £20,000.

Inside the hidden world of Indonesia's transgender women

Transexual and transgender people are often shunned in the largely conservative country, and many choose to retreat to a community on the island of Java. Here they could, until last year, attend an Islamic boarding school for transgender learners, thought to be the only one in the world. Now the waria - a term which combines the Indonesian words 'wanita' and 'pria', which mean woman and man - often gather in the building to pray, but the school shut after a public outcry last year. Nevertheless, defiant teachers continue to hold occasional classes for those of the 42 students who continue their learning.

The BBC's innovative 'Spy in the Wild' series ends tonight with a special episode on how they made the show's realistic fake animal cameras. The episode airs in the UK tonight at 7.30pm.

Arthur Mellar, 47, got caught inside the elevator shaft at Burghley House in Stamford, Lincolnshire. The lift came down on top of him and he died in hospital of serious head injuries.

BEES stop play! Cricket international delayed for 30 minutes as players and umpires dive to the ground after a huge swarm invades the South African ground

South Africa's 'pink' one-day international against Sri Lanka encountered an unexpected hazard when a swarm of bees interrupted play for almost half an hour at the Wanderers. The hosts, who took the field wearing the pink strip used annually in aid of charitable causes, were held up three times in all when the bees flew into Johannesburg. Players on both teams fell to the floor in evasive action during Sri Lanka's innings - but when the swarm moved in for a third time and showed no sign of a quick exit, officials decided it was time to call for the experts.

Researchers at the University of Helsinki and Aalto university have found that empathetic people interpret the facial expressions of dogs more intensely - and is they were humans.

Official figures released by the Ministry of Justice show that 27 animals are being kept by prisoners at three maximum security jails in Britain.

Doctors and nurses could save lives by guiding drones into remote areas from as far as 45 miles away. The drones have been trialled in Nepal and Tanzania and could save the taxpayer cash.

Bodybuilder Stuart Wheawall, 38, died after contracting septicaemia from a tiny wound on his left elbow. He sustained the injury while working in a TK Maxx warehouse in Chesterton, Staffordshire.

Andrew Ross, 30, shook the child, who had accidentally fallen from his knee and appeared to be unconscious after jerking his head, in a bid to 'snap him out of it', Newcastle Crown Court heard.

Lord Mulholland granted Edinburgh City Council the authority to bury Eugenois and Hilda Marcel after their son Melvyn keept their remains at a property in Edinburgh for several years (file image).

Network Rail faces huge claims over Japanese knotweed

Network Rail is facing compensation claims that could total tens of millions of pounds after a landmark court ruling on damage caused to homes by Japanese knotweed growing on its land. Neighbours Robin Waistell and Stephen Williams took on the rail giant after the plant, growing on a railway embankment next to their bungalows, spread into the foundations of their South Wales homes. The pair saw the value of their properties almost halved because of the invasion. The plant's roots can force their way through brick and concrete, and it is difficult and expensive to eradicate them. Neither Mr Waistell, 70, nor Mr Williams, 43, can sell their homes because lenders will not give mortgages on properties affected by knotweed.

Peter Tobin, (pictured) from Paisley, Glasgow, raped and stabbed 23-year-old Polish student Angelika Kluk before hiding her body under the floor of a church 11 years ago.

Amir Khan's father Sajjad is convinced Faryal Makhdoom was behind the decision to dump him from the boxer's team and believes she has taken over as manager while the couple are in the US.

A study of 500,000 Chinese people found a 'significant' relationship between number of children and risk of coronary heart disease - the world's leading killer.

The Romanian man, 21, was held at Frankfurt airport in western Germany, before officers seized written notes and electronic storage devices from his home.

Cornwall lifeguard vanished from friend's house

Celeste Smith, 19, from Saltash, Corwnwall, (pictured left and right with friend James Johnson) was last seen on Tuesday evening when she left a friend's house saying she was going home to have a bath. Fears are growing over the safety and welfare of Celeste, who reportedly split up with her boyfriend last month and learned she was pregnant on Monday. Saltash Police said they are treating the disappearance as 'high risk'.

Former bouncer Daniel Challis, 24, (pictured) was filmed by his friend as he gulped down a live goldfish after he drank five pints during drinking session above a pub in Paignton, Devon.

Brenda, who declined to give her last name, said Friday she was flying from New Orleans to Fort Lauderdale when flight attendants accused her of being drunk - then asked her to cover up.

U-boat captain swam FOUR MILES to shore after sinking

The amazing story of Officer Walter Sitek (left) can now be told in full as the remains of his ship,(right) coral-lined and broken in two, were recovered 3,000 feet beneath the Atlantic Ocean near the Azores. The navy officer was the only member of his 46-man crew to escape, with 41 taken captive by the British and four killed by a bomb while still in the water. Pictured, inset right: The U-581 during service.

The giant puzzle, created by German artist Clemens Habicht, features all the colours in the CMYK spectrum. This means tiles next to each other are almost identical in colour, but not exactly the same.

Computer parts seller Ashish Thakkar, 35, and travel journalist Meera Manek, 33, who separated in 2013 after four years of marriage, are due in a London court next week.

Jetpack Aviation say the eight-armed craft will travel at 90 mp/h, and will be able to fold up to fit in garage. They hope to build a prototype in six months.

A dancer called Omanakuttan, 48, collapsed and died on stage in southern India midway through his routine - but the audience thought it was all part of the performance.

Man drenched in blood forces a crucifix down his mouth as 'the demon is exorcised from him' in shocking video 

Shocking footage appearing to show a man drenched in blood forcing a crucifix down his throat has emerged online. The disturbing video posted on YouTube is believed to have been filmed in South America and shows the man convulsing in a chair grunting in demonic tones. Blood is splattered on his chest while he is surrounded by topless men who seem to egg him on while a drumbeat builds to a crescendo in the background. The man is sprayed with water as he speaks in  tongues and bangs his feet on the ground.


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Everyone's cursed with a bad day now and again. Unfortunately Friday wasn't the greatest day for actress Selma Blair. A crying Ms. Blair told her fans about all the parts of her unlucky morning.

DR MAX THE MIND DOCTOR: Betty, 77, has dementia and requires specialist care, which they assumed she would get at the Perry Locks Care Home in Birmingham.

Four-year-old royalist set for Windsor Castle tour

EXCLUSIVE: He wowed the internet after being filmed saluting alongside a soldier at the Changing of the Guard on his fourth birthday (centre). And Britain's cutest royalist Marshall Scott (left) is well on his way to making his dreams of serving Queen and Country a reality. The boy was visiting his favourite landmark, Windsor Castle, with his proud mother Imogen (right, together) when he was treated to a priceless experience - saluting alongside a real soldier at the Changing of the Guard. The little drummer boy has learned military beats from his grandfather and loves to dress up in his special outfit and parade around the house - just like his heroes. An experience which has thrilled children for decades came alive for Marshall when Lance Corporal Paul Edden allowed him to join in with the ceremony. Marshall has been promised a trip around Windsor Castle when the professional Guard is next based there.

With a good chance of bumping into the likes of Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Goofy or Cinderella, it's virtually impossible not to enjoy a visit to Disney World. But the children in these photo's didn't.

The unlucky motorist needed rescuing after their blue Daewoo Matiz sank into the wet road in Dinas Powys, South Wales. Pranksters had moved traffic cones warning drivers of the roadworks.

Ben Myatt was on the plane when it plummeted to the ground at 110mph after suffering an engine failure. The 23-year-old was on a four-week holiday visiting friends in the Riverland, Australia.

Sussex Police posted appeals to find Rossi Henderson, 28, from Eastbourne, on Facebook and Twitter. Henderson was jailed in April 2014 has been missing since September.



Inside the crumbling remains of a haunted Scottish castle

Crumbling and overgrown, this Scottish castle turned Second World War hospital now lies abandoned. Buchanan Castle in Stirlingshire, became a military hospital which treated Rudolf Hess, a leading Nazi who helped write Hitler's book Mein Kampf. It lies to the west of the village of Drymen and the overgrown remains stand within formerly landscaped grounds.

Surrey-based Catherina Head and her family believe the canvas was painted in the mangle room at the parsonage in Nuenen of Theodorus van Gogh, Vincent's father, where the artist lived.

The new 'groundskimmer' is a huge craft capable of carrying 500 tonnes of cargo in a single trip. To do this, is uses an effect known as ground effect to trap a cushion of air underneath its giant wing.

Pan American Airlines' 60-year history traced in images

Pan American Airlines pioneered the era of commercial flight from its bold inception in the late 1920s and won fame as history's most iconic airline, thanks in part to its alluring ads and trailblazing routes. Pictured, clockwise from the left, one of their attractive posters, and the twin-engined amphibious aircraft model, the Sikorsky S-38. Inset is the company's first logo from 1929.