
Pro Shoey TN

History has been peppered with great meetings of minds. Where would we be without the collaborative power of Steve Jobs and Jonathan Ive, Frida Kahlo and Die...

Leaf Supply

If you're like me, you often envy the sills and desks of those who can keep indoor plants alive for longer than a month. Also, you're constantly wond...

Office Christmas Party via iMessage

Artspace Finissage

Capping off a fruitful year, Artspace threw a multi-faceted closing event over the weekend. Campbell flitted about and captured the talks, drinks, and music ...

A 'trans-pacific flight playlist' by Chairlift

Brooklyn's Chairlift make shimmering synth-pop that isn't afraid to cry in public. They made us a playlist of songs that helped them bliss out on the...

Spicy Sichuan Restaurant

Numbness is a feeling to enjoy while slurping and munching Sichuan hotpot. Small baubles of Sichuan pepper float through a bubbling vat of broth, and when t...

1986 - Firstdraft's 30th bday party

We had a little bit too much fun (wiiiink, drinks, wiiiiiiiink!) at Firsdraft's 30th birthday party over the weekend. There were heaps of great performan...

An interview with David De Thomasis of Paradise Fest...

David De Thomasis is one of the brains behind Paradise Festival and the newly launched Enhancer Records. We did some music nerding with him, chatted about hi...

Maxine McQueen, a new curated online jewellery store

Entrepreneur and jewellery connoisseur Maxine Tuyau has put together her very first online marketplace. The shop is called ‘Maxine McQueen’ and features a cu...

Freda's Ark 5th bday party

Pairs of party animals stomped into Freda's this weekend to celebrate their fifth birthday. The theme was Noah's Ark and the usual fare of top-qual d...

Oi, what's that ya drinkin? – Australia's best spiri...

In the time it’s taken me to write this article over a thousand distilleries have sprung up in Australia alone. Okay, perhaps not that many, however, the fif...

Vege Threads Eco swimwear

Dayuuuuum girl, is that swimsuit organic? 'Cause you're making me feel healthy about body image and guilty about my lifestyle choices. Vege Threads h...

I was David the talking tree: a Christmas story

Christmas routines commonly involve braving the ennui of the last stretch of work, followed by frantically shopping for significant others, followed by procl...

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Two Thousand Apartment


Come stay with us! Our apartment is furnished with things we've gathered together from some of our favourite people and places in Sydney, like homewares, furniture, books and magazines, art and even beer.

Thousands Tokyo


Small discoveries from the world's biggest city. We are pleased to welcome Thousands Tokyo to The Thousands family.