Brave train manager tells a 'drunken racist' solicitor to get off a train after he hurled abuse at a mother and her son and told them they shouldn't be in first class 

  • Alexander MacKinnon was filmed hurling the abuse at Sanaa Shahid and her son
  • Mrs Shahid said MacKinnon told her: 'You don't deserve to be in first class'
  • She recorded him saying: 'You're so wonderful wasting police time, miss'
  • Train guard confronted him, said he was a 'drunken racist' and kicked him off

This is the moment a brave train manager told a 'drunken racist' to get off a train after racially abusing a mother and her four-year-old son.

Alexander 'AJ' MacKinnon, 47, was filmed hurling the abuse at Sanaa Shahid and her son, Zayn, while the pair were travelling home to Glasgow from London on a Virgin train in a first class carriage.

After the altercation took place, MacKinnon contacted a friend and informed them of the incident on the phone, and said Mrs Shahid 'doesn't belong in this country'.

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Alexander MacKinnon was filmed hurling the abuse
Sanaa Shahid and her son Zayn were travelling back from London to their home in Glasgow when MacKinnon launched the tirade on them

Alexander MacKinnon (left) was filmed hurling the abuse at Sanaa Shahid and her son Zayn (right)

MacKinnon then rang a friend and informed them of the incident and said Mrs Shahid 'didn't belong in this country'
He was then confronted by a brave train guard who kicked him off

MacKinnon then rang a friend and informed them of the incident and said Mrs Shahid 'didn't belong in this country' (left). He was then confronted by a brave train guard who kicked him off (right)

It was then he was confronted by a heroic train guard who called him a 'drunken racist' and asked him to leave.

Mrs Shahid, who is a lawyer who has lived in Scotland all her life, said the abuse started after MacKinnon 'behaved aggressively' towards her son.

She claims MacKinnon said the pair 'didn't deserve' to be in first class and added: 'You should be in common class. In fact, you shouldn’t be in this country at all. Bloody foreigners. Where were you even born?'

Speaking to Mirror Online, she revealed her disappointment with the other passengers after they failed to step in and help her.

Mr Shahid said: 'I'm the kind of person who sticks up for others but when I needed help as a mum with my young child, nobody came to my aid.

'I've lost my faith in humanity, if they can't stick up for a mother on her own with a young child then who will they stick up for?' 

She said she decided to film him after she saw him drinking red wine straight from the bottle.

Shortly afterwards, the mother informed the train manager and the police.  

In the shocking footage, MacKinnon is seen telling Mrs Shahid she's racist.

He's then seen drinking red wine straight from the bottle before speaking on the phone to a friend.

Mrs Shahid said the abuse started after MacKinnon was 'behaving aggressively' towards her son
In the shocking footage, just as MacKinnon leaves the train, he is heard saying: 'You're so wonderful wasting police time, Miss, and your f****** son'

Mrs Shahid said the abuse started after MacKinnon was 'behaving aggressively' towards her son

'It's my word against hers', he says, before adding he is going to get off the train and 'wait for the next one.'

His foul tirade then continues: 'That stupid cow doesn't belong in this country. And now she'll accuse me of insulting her and discrimination.'

A train guard then appears in the video and approaches the man and says: 'See now, it's not just your word and hers, it's mine as well, because I heard it all.'

MacKinnon then adds: 'I wanted you to.'

The train guard then said: 'I'm not going to accept it, you're a drunken racist and you need to get off the train.' 

MacKinnon rejects this comment by responding: 'I'm not a racist, I love people, actually'. 

Mrs Shahid responds saying: 'You're a disgrace to humanity, do you know that? Just get off'
Mrs Shahid praised train staff who assisted her during the incident and informed police shortly after it occurred

In the shocking footage, just as MacKinnon leaves the train, he is heard saying: 'You're so wonderful wasting police time, Miss, and your f****** son' 

Just as MacKinnon leaves the train, he is heard saying: 'You're so wonderful wasting police time, miss, and your f****** son.'

Mrs Shahid responds saying: 'You're a disgrace to humanity, do you know that? Just get off.'  

Mrs Shahid praised train staff who assisted her during the incident, which took place at 2.30pm on December 29 after the family went to visit her husband Aftab, 36. 

MacKinnon reportedly 'liked' Donald Trump, English Defence League, the BNP, the Scottish BNP and various Scottish Conservative associations on social media and posted articles about former Ukip leader Nigel Farage prior to the incident.

However, these have since been removed. 

MacKinnon appeared at Carlisle Magistrates Court on Tuesday and admitted a racially aggravated public order offence.

He was fined £1154, plus £50 compensation, a £150 victim surcharge and £85 in court costs.  

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