Our Enemy the State


Fifth Estate # 365, Summer, 2004

A quick glance at the evening news should be enough to convince even the most disengaged citizen that we live in “grim times.” This recognition, although accurate, is a clichĂ©, since the same could be said about almost every era

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Everybody but Bush

by , ,

Fifth Estate # 366, Fall, 2004

Don LaCoss The election is already over and we have lost. The name of the president for the next four years won’t be announced until November 3, but I know right now that the guy who won is a white

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First Iraq Mutiny


Fifth Estate # 395, Winter 2016 - 50th Anniversary

Fifth Estate history Mutiny. This word, fearsome to the brass of any army (but joyful to anti-war activists), was left out of October 2004 media accounts about a US Army Reserve unit whose soldiers refused to deliver fuel along a

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How to Support Anti-War GIs


Fifth Estate # 367, Winter 2004-2005

As Bush’s Iraq quagmire begins to take on the same qualities as the war in Vietnam—fighting an insurgent population, mounting US casualties, increased slaughter of civilians, destruction of the country to “save it,” no exit strategy—so, too, does military opposition.

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First Iraq Mutiny


Fifth Estate # 367, Winter 2004-2005

Mutiny. This word, fearsome to the brass of any army (but joyful to anti-war activists), was left out of October media accounts about a US Army Reserve unit whose soldiers refused to deliver fuel along a route in Iraq they

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Drinking Joe Hill’s Ashes

by ,

Fifth Estate # 370, Fall 2005

Note: FE staffer Walker Lane interviewed Billy Bragg, the English singer/songwriter, when he played a 1998 Labor Day benefit for striking Detroit newspaper workers.

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All Wars are Lies!


Fifth Estate # 372, Spring 2006

War! Uh! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing! –Edwin Starr, “War” The Motown great Edwin Starr asked and answered this question in his 1970 song that became a best-selling record and the anthem of another in a series of

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An Anarchist at the World Social Forum


Fifth Estate # 372, Spring 2006

Barrel-assing around hair-pin turns at 6am in a crowded bus on a road with no barriers between us and a two thousand foot drop was not the manner in which I anticipated arriving in Venezuela for the Sixth World Social

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by ,

Fifth Estate # 373, Fall 2006

1. The Wedding and Other Stories, Cara Hoffman, Factory School Southpaw Culture, 2006, 114 pp., factoryschool.org. Available from the Barn

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The State and Longing for Arcadia


Fifth Estate # 373, Fall 2006

reviewed here: The State, Harold Barclay, Freedom Press, London, 2003, 109 pp. Longing for Arcadia: Memoirs of an AnarchoCynicalist Anthropologist, Harold B. Barclay, Trafford, 2005, Victoria, BC, 362 pp.

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