Help the Fifth Estate Expansion Fund


Fifth Estate # 33, July 1-15, 1967

Poster image, Help the Fifth Estate Expansion Fund, July 1967The Fifth Estate is not reaching everyone that it should. Conservative distributors and frightened merchants will not handle or sell the paper because it is too controversial. Hence, there are many people who are not able to read what we have to say simply because there is nowhere they can buy the paper.

To remedy this situation we are setting up the Fifth Estate Expansion Fund for the purpose of raising $500 to purchase outdoor newsstands with. This would give us a distribution across the city.

If you believe in the Fifth Estate and what it stands for you can assist us in this effort by doing one of the things listed in the box below.

The Fifth Estate, 923 Plum St., Detroit 48201, 962-9336

* I wish to subscribe to the Fifth Estate to help you expand. Enclosed find either $2.50 for one year or $5.00 for two years.

* I wish to contribute directly to the Fifth Estate Expansion Fund. Enclosed find $____
