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About the ad review center

The Ad review center is a feature that gives you more transparency and control over the ads that appear in your apps. When you enable the Ad review center, you can review individual ads -- both before and after they are shown -- and assess whether you want to continue showing them in your apps. This tool is available to all AdMob developers and is particularly useful for brand-conscious publishers.

The Ad review center lets you review and take action on the individual ads that may appear in your apps. On the Shown tab you see the ads that have already appeared in your app. Ads you've blocked in the past are found on the Blocked tab. Learn more about reviewing ads in the Ad review center.

In addition to blocking individual ads, you can block ads from AdWords advertisers that have shown ads in your apps. Any actions you take to block ads in the Ad review center apply at the account level, not the individual app level.

Ad review center applies to all ads, including ads served through Ad Exchange. The exception is that it doesn't apply to CPM reservation ads or ads served from third-party ad networks through AdMob Mediation.
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