Create your own custom website

NationBuilder customer United Way LA

Process donations with no transaction fees

NationBuilder customer New Zealand Labour

Match your email list to social media & send unlimited emails

Track your success with goals & dashboards

Build a fully interactive modern website focused on action

Built-in action pages — Create events, online fundraising, recruitment and signup pages. Information entered is automatically synced to your database. No coding required.

NationBuilder customer NZ Labour

Custom — Your website on your custom domain, complete with responsive design and hundreds of styles. Fully customizable with HTML, Javascript, Liquid and CSS.

NationBuilder customer Making the Difference

Mobile — With modern responsive design themes, your website looks good on any device without the need for additional customization.

NationBuilder customer Preemptive Love

Stay on track with the goals dashboard and paths workflow

Goals — Set goals for fundraising, donors, tweets, petition signatures, signups, volunteers, followers, endorsements, event RSVPs, survey responses, suggestions and more.

Paths — A nation’s goals can be broken down into paths to meet those goals. A path is a step-by-step workflow that describes how people taking action contribute toward achieving the larger goal. As a person completes various steps, they are moved along the path to its completion.

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Fundraise and accept donations online with no additional transaction fees

Secure donations — Customizable secure donation pages. No merchant account required.

Fully integrated — Fully integrated with your people database. All donation activity is tracked.

Customer invoices — Create customer invoices payable directly through your website. Apply discounts to any invoice and assign credit to point people for generating revenue.

Packed with features that are built to grow with you

Events with ticketing

Coordinate events including all volunteering, ticketing, and fundraising activities. Supporters can host their own events and list them on your website.

Petition pages with goals

Easily create unlimited petition pages and set signature goals. People can sign the petition on your website, or via text message.

Powerful member managament

Completely integrated voter, volunteer, and donor management designed to increase engagement.

World class customer support

All plans include:
  • Technical support 7 days/week
  • Basic onboarding
Our organization plan includes:
  • Access to the Community Strategist team
  • 1:1 calls for guidance in achieving your goals





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Trusted by over 9,000 customers in 112 countries