Indonesian woman is forced to endure 26 lashes

The woman clutched her head in her hands after being lashed with a cane after being found guilty of having sex outside of wedlock, which is against Sharia law in Aceh, Indonesia. Pictures show how the woman was forced to kneel on the ground on the public stage in front of a mosque in Indonesia's Aceh province. Looking fearful, the man who hands out the punishment uses a cane to crack her across the back 26 times for violating the law as a crowd of people look on.

Mosul zoo animals left to starve by ISIS thugs

An emaciated lioness was found cowering in a squalid cage and lying on exposed cables (left) at Al-Murur public park, in Mosul, Iraq, after the area was liberated from ISIS. Another heartbreaking image shows a bear looking mournfully through the rusting bars of its enclosure (right). Separate pictures show the filthy, ramshackle cages where animals were neglected during the terrorists' reign.

The tattoo fanatic, named only as Aleksandr, carried out the inking himself in the city of Yekaterinburg in central Russia's Sverdlovsk Oblast region.

Officials in the Danish city of Aarhus demanded the end of gender-separated sessions at the Gellerupbadet swimming hall saying people need to 'learn its natural to swim together'.

As Nepalese cities continue to grow and the nation recovers from two earthquakes in 2015, the demand for bricks is higher than ever and kiln owners are capitalising on cheap labour.

Boy who is turning into stone due to a rare condition

Mehendi Hassan, eight, has been shunned by his community in Bangladesh because of a rare and undiagnosed skin condition which means even putting on clothes is painful. Locals, and even his grandmother, detest him according to his mother, who is calling on the government to diagnose and cure the condition that has robbed her son of his childhood. It has caused thick layers of skin to form on his body, which is most noticeable on his hands and feet.

Woman gives birth to 'frog baby in Zimbabwe

Precious Nyathi (left), from the village of Gokwe, in the north west of Zimbabwe, was eight months pregnant when she went into labour. But her husband, Mr Nomore, was left baffled when the 36-year-old gave birth to 'something strange' which resembled an amphibious creature (right). The baby later died in hospital before village elders ordered that the 'frog-like creature' be burnt in front of a crowd of horrified residents. Inset: A village leader inspects the corpse.

The publication, called MC1R , is the first of its type in the world. It is named after Melanocortin 1 Receptor - one of the key proteins in regulating pigment production which lead to red hair.

Ali Akbar Velayati, who is a senior adviser to Iran's most powerful man Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said the country would not yield and that US threats had been dismissed in the past.

The doctor at a nursing home in the Netherlands was being probed after the death of the 80-year-old woman, who had previously expressed a desire for euthansia when 'the time was right.'

Indonesia 24 year-old girl that looks like a toddler

Measuring 87cm in height and weighing 20kg, Sari Rezita Ariyanti from Indonesia looks like your average three-year-old, except she isn't a toddler - she's actually 24-years-old. Born on 16 October 1993, Sari is unable to walk and has to rely on her relatives to push her around in a wheelchair. Sari also struggles to communicate verbally other than a few simple words and sounds. Her mother didn't even realise her daughter suffered from any kind of medical condition until she was two-years-old, and due to it being diagnosed late, it has become difficult to treat.

Hilarious moment firefighter desperately tries to smash the lock off a gate to reach colleagues battling Chile's wildfire - only for them to reveal it wasn't quite such an emergency... 

The firefighters had been tackling wildfires in Chile, which have been engulfing the South American country when it appeared two men became trapped behind a metal fence. Their colleague on the other side grabs an axe and begins hitting it off the lock. But before he can actually break the lock, the group of firemen notice a large gap in the metal railings and simply walk around, leaving their colleague looking embarrassed and sheepish.

Iraq has banned US citizens from travelling to the country in a tit-for-tat move following Donald Trump's extreme vetting executive order.

Masaya Nakamura, who died on January 22, founded Namco in 1955, and pioneered the release of Pac-Man in 1980, which went on to become the most successful coin-operated game ever.

Mohamed Abrini, the 'man in the hat' bombing suspect caught on camera during the Brussels airport attack, has been charged in France over the November 2015 jihadist massacres in Paris.

The bungling Islamic State militant, nicknamed Abu Abdullah, died alongside his companion in the town of Shirqat, Iraq. He was part of one of the terror group's top booby-trapping cells.

Nicknamed Abu Sayyaf, he was dubbed one of the terror groups scariest decapitators and was paraded in their sick videos for his huge frame and was ISIS' leader in Nineveh State, Iraq.

Audrey Smith has called for the Jamaican authorities to step in, claiming her 11-year-old daughter and a number of her classmates at the St Elizabeth school are possessed by a demon.

Romanian president challenges new corruption rules

The Romanian government has sparked anger after decriminalising official misconduct - despite warnings it will make corruption legal with thousands taking to the street. And the Romanian president Klaus Iohannis has confirmed he will file a challenge with the country's Constitutional Court against the new legislation. In a televised new conference he said: 'It is obviously a legal constitutional conflict between the government and the judicial system and parliament.'

Hippo killed after ambulance crash in South Africa

WARNING: DISTRESSING CONTENT. The paramedic was rushed for treatment following the crash with the wild animal on Moloto Road in Pretoria, Gauteng Province, in north-eastern South Africa. The crash left him and two others injured and sadly the hippo died as a result of being hit. It is thought the driver did not see the animal as he drove the emergency services vehicle along the road.

As the terror group is flushed out of areas of Iraq, coalition forces have uncovered documents that belong to the Tarek ibn Ziad battalion that operates in Iraq revealing ISIS fighters' complaints.

Zarina, from Afghanistan, got married at the age of 13 and her husband is on the run having attacked her after waking up in the middle of the night, tying her up and mutilating her in their home.

The would-be assassin, identified only as Betinho, fled the church in Limoeiro de Anadia in Alagoas, Brazil, having opened fire at a father and son who were set to serve as witnesses to the marriage.

WARNING: DISTRESSING CONTENT. The animal is on a three-storey building in India, which is around 30 feet tall, with at least five men before it hurls itself off and flips over as it falls to the ground.

The three women took off their tops on the popular beach but a number of other tourists were said to have been offended by the 'exhibitionism' and called in the police.

A series of photographs taken in the slums of Lagos shows sex workers living in squalid conditions. Recent studies have found that nearly a quarter of Nigerian prostitutes have HIV.

Leopard pounces on a doomed impala in South Africa

The leopard dragged the doomed impala out of the water and started chowing down on the stricken creature, in a gruesome attack lasting just seconds in South Africa's Kruger National Park. It comes as the crafty leopard seem to have perfected a unique method for catching prey - surprising them while drinking water. The dramatic scene was caught on camera by Simon Vegter, a safari guide from Wild Wings Safaris during a trip to the park.

Zimbabwe lions kill African buffalo and eat unborn calf

WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT: Harrowing footage shows the lions take down their prey before one latches onto her throat in Mana Pools National Park, Zimbabwe. The other big cats focus on the African buffalo's back and rip and tear at it until they drag the unborn calf from its mother's womb and feast on it. The brutal shots were taken by wildlife photographer and tour leader Jeremy Bennett, 43, from Nigeria.

Fascinating pictures shed light on the life of Maharaja Ram Singh II, who ruled in the famous pink city of Jaipur between 1835 and 1880.

Footage shows the zebra clamping its powerful jaws around the man's arm and dragging him around an enclosure at Changlong zoo in the city of Guangzhou, southern China.

Banners were unfurled during the French club's Ligue 1 clash with Lille on Saturday with one showing a woman above the word 'kitchen' and another depicting a man alongside 'stadium'.