Tired Parents Talking Chesterton Episode 01

What’s this?   A Catholic Roundup podcast episode after almost 3 years.  Yes and no.  A couple weeks ago Geof Tan posted on facebook that he downloaded Chesterton’s books and was going to start. reading them.  I let him know I was interested and we decided to read The Everlasting Man together.  This is a sample podcast of our little book club discussion.  When we get comfortable using google hangouts, we’ll likely invite other interested listeners to join us in the discussion.


If you want to follow along, here are some public domain links to the book.

Catholic Roundup 109: Hello Goodbye


Today, December 1, 2013 is the Canadian National Day of Podcasting. The organizers of the National Day of Podcaster ask present and former Canadian Podcasters to release a show on December 1.   It seemed like a good enough occasion to do a Catholic Roundup Podcast after over a year absence.


What have we been up to?

Sean has written 47 songs and a novel in 2013:

Sean’s songs from February Album Writing Month

Sean’s songs from the 50-90 Songwriting Challenge

Sean and Sarah’s Nanowrimo Blog

We got a New Trailer and spent half of  the summer camping in it.

Sean won a contest to be a CNE official Blogger

Sarah Got an Altar Server’s award

Shoutouts to:

Father Roderick for Episode 900 of the Break

The Crew of Catholic Weekend for their 200th episode.

Daniele Rossi released a book based on his experiences hosting the Stuttering is Cool Podcast.

Sean can be found sometimes guesting on the Steampunk Chesterton Podcast.

Feature interview with Chris Weitzel from the Life on Fire podcast and Steampunk Chesterton Podcast recorded in April 2012.

Songs: From Sean’s February Album Writing Month project– Forevuary:  Love Never Fails and Praise and Exalt, and The Duct-Tape Song.

A brief reading from my  Nanowrimo story– Time for the Fair.


Catholic Roundup Episode 108


Over the past few months, I have been refining the focus of the Catholic Roundup to a more Canadian perspective on Catholics in new media.  What do you think of this slight change in direction?

In this episode I discuss a number of Canadian Catholic blogs and podcasts including:

The Society of Canadian Catholic Bloggers
The Journey of a Bishop by Archbishop Terrence Prendergast of Ottawa
The Reason For our Hope by Archbishop Smith of Edmonton
Hot Cup of Ministry
The Sportsfathers
The All for Jesus podcast with Deacon Chuck Stevens.
On December 7, Deacon Chuck Stevens also has a Christmas Concert at St. Joseph’s Church in Sarnia at 7pm.
Deacon Chuck Stevens

Teresa and Dennis Buonafede are my feature guests.  We have a wide ranging discussion which includes highlights from the recent Scott Hahn event in Toronto and tips for sharing the faith with young people.


Send your feedback, podcast, blog and website promos ideas etc… on the blog at http://catholicroundup.com by email at catholicroundup@gmail.com. Theme Song: Lost in Christ (©) Bryan MurdaughSubscribe to CNMR (RSS)Subscribe on the Itunes Music Store

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Catholic Roundup 107


In this episode of the Catholic Roundup Podcast.   Soundseeing highlights from the celebration for the canonization of  Canadian Martyr’s Shrine in Midland, Ontario, featuring the Christian Island Drummers and clips from the homily. Song:  Happy Sunday by The Millettes, featuring Father Darryl Millette. An interview with Father Darryl Millette, about his pilgrimage to Rome and Asissi and his attendance at the canonization ceremonies in Rome.  Father Darryl is a Musician and podcaster.  He podcasts his homilies at Saskapriest.com and is co-host of Hot Cup of Ministry and The Sportsfathers. Song:  Walk You Home by Critical Mass. On Episode 83 of the  Catholic Rockers Podcast, George Leite gave a brief rundown of all the currently active podcasts playing Catholic music:

Teresa Buonafede provides a brief report on the Day of Evangelization in Toronto with Dr Scott Hahn on October 20, which was organized by Catholic Chapter House.  Catholic Chapter House will be having a similar event in May 2013 featuring Dr. Peter Kreeft. Teresa Buonafede and her husband Dennis will be my guests on the next episode of the Catholic Roundup Podcast. Send your feedback, podcast, blog and website promos ideas etc… on the blog at http://catholicroundup.com by email at catholicroundup@gmail.com. Theme Song: Lost in Christ (©) Bryan Murdaugh Subscribe to CNMR (RSS). Subscribe on the Itunes Music Store Add Catholic Roundup  to CastRoller

Catholic Roundup 106- Saint Kateri


On October 21, Pope Benedict the XVI will canonize Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha and a number of other saints in Rome.  Kateri Tekadwitha will be the first North American Native to be declared a saint.

In this episode I welcome the return of George Leite and the Catholic Rockers Podcast after a 2 year hiatus.

Paul Camarata narrates a biography of Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha from episode 16 of The Saintcast.

I interview Father Bernie Carrol S.J., director of the Canadian Martyr’s Shrine in Midland, Ontario, Canada about the Shrine, and the planned celebration of the Canonization of Blessed Kateri on October 21 at the Shrine.  If you are planning to travel to the shrine for the celebration, please send me a message to catholicroundup@gmail.com, so that we can try to meet there.

Song:  The Huron Carol, by St. Jean Brebuf:  Arranged by  Alan Gasser for WorldSongs and sung by an acapella choir.  (CreativeCommons from Youtube)

Kateri Canonization Celebration- Canadian Martyr's Shrine

Send your feedback, podcast, blog and website promos ideas etc… on the blog at http://catholicroundup.com by email at catholicroundup@gmail.com.
Theme Song: Lost in Christ (©) Bryan Murdaugh

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Catholic Roundup 105: Catholic Speaker Month, Spotlight on Chris Padgett



In 2009, Matthew Warner spearheaded a very successful  Support a Catholic Speaker Month, where he enlisted 100 Catholic Bloggers to write about 100 Catholic speakers.  This year, Brandon Vogt, the author of The Church and New Media, is hosting Support a Catholic Speaker Month 2012 with the same premise.

From Chris Padgett FacebookI signed up to do a profile of Catholic musician, author and speaker Chris Padgett.  Chris is a convert to the Catholic church who used to front the contemporary christian band, Scarecrow and Tinman in the 1990s.  Since his conversion to the Catholic Church, which he recalls on his now dormant podcast, Chris has released 5 solo albums, has earned his masters in theology at Franciscan University, and is working on his PhD.  He has  3 published books,  Wholly Mary Mother of God, Spirituality you can LIVE with, and Not Ready for Marriage, Not Ready for Sex.

Chris’ most enduring passion is as a teacher and lay evangelist.  He is a dynamic speaker, full of warmth, humanity, humour, and clearly on fire for Jesus. On the Talks page on his website,  Chris has outlines for over a dozen talks he has presented on love and marriage, chastity, spirituality, Marian theology, men’s spirituality, and youth talks.  A number of his talks are available from Lighthouse Catholic Media.

For this episode 105 of the Catholic Roundup Podcast I shine a spotlight on Chris Padgett with an interview we did for Catholic Roundup 65 in 2009, a sample from his talk, Get to Know the Mother of God, on Lighthouse Catholic Media, and a new interview recorded today.  I also play a couple of his songs, Be My Everything and You Can Hold My Hand.   Enjoy.

Send your feedback, podcast, blog and website promos ideas etc… on the blog at http://catholicroundup.com by email at catholicroundup@gmail.com.
Theme Song: Lost in Christ (©) Bryan Murdaugh

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Catholic Roundup 104- Happy Birthday to us…


Shownotes for Catholic Roundup 104

1. Yesterday was the  5th anniversary of the start of the blog which became Catholic Roundup:  Welcome to A Catholic Canadian August 23, 2007 – 11:25 am

2.. Interview with Justin Stroh about his new digital album O Sacred Heart available on Itunes.

3 🙂 Baby Report: Matthew Warner from Flocknote and Fallible Blogma and his wife Lauren who blogs at Sipping Lemonade, welcomed their third child, Sarah Claire Warner! 9 lbs 10 oz on August 12.

4 ðŸ™?  Continue to pray for Angela Faddis:  Chris Faddis is the blogger for Living Gracefully and is a popular Catholic speaker for the Maximus Media Group.  His wife Angela has Stage IV Colon Cancer.  They are seeking prayers and financial support to assist with her treatment.   You can follow their story on their Facebook Page.

5 🙂 Woohoo-  Susan Bailey has a new blog:  Be As One

6 <:-) Pillars of Catholicism:  A free online video introductory course about the key elements of the Catholic faith.

7 {;>) Peter and Paul Ministries:  Apostles in New Media online conference was yesterday, August 23.    Devin Jones of Peter and Paul Ministries explains about their mission.

8  @>–>– Promo for Nick Alexander‘s new Prayer Meeting Podcast.  Song by Nick Alexander– Should I Stand or Should I Kneel.

Events:  What’s Happening?

9 :^)  Support a Catholic Speaker Month Over at brandonvogt.com, throughout September.

10 :っ) Catholic New Media Conference, in Dallas-Fort Worth. Next week August 29-31.

11 //0-0\\ Rosary Sunday at Canadian Martyr’s Shrine, Midland Ontario September 16

12 *\0/* The New Evangelization:  Dr. Scott Hahn in Toronto October 20


Send your feedback, podcast, blog and website promos ideas etc… on the blog at http://catholicroundup.com by email at catholicroundup@gmail.com.
Theme Song: Lost in Christ (©) Bryan Murdaugh

Subscribe to CNMR (RSS).

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Podcast Roundup on Blessed Kateri

By Cmichael1977 (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia CommonsToday, July 14, our friends in the United States commemorate the feast of Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha.  In Canada, we commemorate her feast day on April 17.  She will be canonized this October 21, 2012.

In honor of her feast day, I present a Roundup of Podcast and Video Links Where you Can find out more about Blessed Kateri (soon to be Saint Kateri).


From Wikipedia:  ”Kateri Tekakwitha (pronounced [ˈgaderi degaˈgwita] in Mohawk), originally known as Catherine Tekakwitha and informally known as Lily of the Mohawks (1656 – April 17, 1680) was an Algonquin and Iroquois Native American religious lay woman from New France and an early convert to Roman Catholicism. Consequently, she was shunned and exiled by her tribe.[citation needed] She died at the age of 24 after professing her vows of virginity. Known for her chastity and corporal mortification of the flesh, she is the first Native American woman to be venerated in the Roman Catholic Church. Tekakwitha was beatified by Blessed Pope John Paul II in 1980. On February 18, 2012, Pope Benedict XVI officially announced at Saint Peter’s Basilica that Tekakwitha will be canonized on October 21, 2012″

  • Rome Reports on the Canonization of Blessed Kateri