
Updated: 18:45 EST

Nigel Farage is sharing his pad with French politician

Former Ukip leader Nigel Farage is sharing a secret £4 million bachelor pad with an attractive French politician at the centre of a probe into illegal funding of his party. Laure Ferrari, who is 15 years younger than the married Brexit campaigner, moved in with Mr Farage in a grand Georgian house in an upmarket area of West London (inset) last week. She was photographed outside the property early on Friday morning, dressed in tracksuit bottoms and putting out the bins (centre), shortly before Mr Farage left in his chauffeur-driven Land Rover (right). Mr Farage (left) last night confirmed that Miss Ferrari had been living at his Chelsea house but said it was 'crackers' to suggest they were having an affair. He said he 'knew her well' but was just helping her out with somewhere to stay. Miss Ferrari and Mr Farage first met a decade ago when she was a waitress and he got her a job in the European Parliament.

Beckham's jaw-dropping excuse for his leaked c-word rants 

In fairness, it was never going to be easy for David Beckham to repair his shredded public image. But in giving it his best shot yesterday, the former England star offered an extraordinary excuse. He insisted through friends that he was a ‘normal person’ who was just ‘extremely disappointed’ at being passed over for a knighthood.

Tessa Dunlop, a BBC Coast presenter, opens up about her experience with equine therapy in Grange Farm, Chapel-Y-Fin on the Welsh borders, that helps her cope with her grief after the loss of her baby.

Tyler Daniels, 21, (pictured) from Essex, claims he has been locked out of his accounts while Barclays conducts an investigation after he noticed the unusual bank statement.

Three in five boys and girls born to co-habiting couples in Britain will see their parents split up before they reach their teenage years.

From Asian action movies to baseball films, the list allows you to access thousands of sub-genres on the streaming service. All you have to do is change the code on the end of the ‘genre’ URL.

The pupil is believed to have got into difficulties while eating in the lunch hall at Anlaby Primary School in Hull on Friday. He was rushed to hospital but pronounced dead shortly afterwards.


A news story said about 250,000 people die in Britain each year from pulmonary embolism. In fact the figure, in 2012, was 2,300.

George Michael's lover is in the clear over singer's death

George Michael’s boyfriend Fadi Fawaz has been told by police that he is no longer part of their investigation into the singer’s death. The celebrity hairdresser was quizzed by Thames Valley Police last month as they tried to piece together the last hours of the star’s life before he died at his Oxfordshire home, aged 53. Mr Fawaz, 40, is viewed as a controversial figure by some members of the singer’s family – particularly after his claim that he spent the night sleeping in his car before finding George dead on Christmas Day.

Brain tumours are going undiagnosed in teenagers because symptoms like mood swings and tiredness are mistaken for adolescent angst or exam stress, says a Nottingham University professor.

The adage 'older and wiser' certainly rings true for these women, who have taken to parenting website Mumsnet to share the things they didn't learn in life until they were past 35..

Drug dealer Stuart Walsh from Wythenshawe, Manchester has been jailed for three years after he tried to blackmail landlord of the Firbank Pub and Kitchen Simon Delaney.

Support grows for Sir David Beckham after hacked emails

Beckham (pictured left) was at a skatepark in London watching his son Brooklyn (right) with his friends. Several emails were released yesterday appearing to show an elongated push by his PR team to secure recognition from the Queen, and that he was furious when he did not receive one. But the allegations appear to have only boosted his public standing, with #SirDavidBeckham appearing on Twitter. Unicef has also leaped to the defence of their ambassador (pictured inset on a philanthropic trip) despite allegations that he demanded £6,685 from the charity for a business class flight and refused to donated $1million of his own money.

Sheridan Smith's schoolgirl abduction drama branded 'sick'

June and Gordon Matthews described BBC drama The Moorside as a disgrace. The two-part series dramatises the abduction of their granddaughter Shannon, by their daughter Karen. Shannon, then nine, was found 24 days later drugged and tethered beneath a bed. Karen, from Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, was jailed for eight years in 2008 but was released in 2012 after serving half her sentence. Sheridan Smith stars in the drama as neighbour Julie Bushby.

Dubious firms acting for ambulance-chasing lawyers have been encouraging tourists to concoct stories of food poisoning at all-inclusive resorts with the promise of £5,000 payouts.

Fitness monitors use an accelerometer to arm movements, which can be deceptive. Researchers from the University of Ireland, Galway, found all devices counted 'false positive' steps.

The University of Bristol's science department was evacuated after a student accidentally concocted a deadly explosive - the same as that used in the 7/7 bombings.

Poking out of the rock-hard ground and covered in snow, these Spanish vegetables haven't made it to our supermarket shelves. Pictures from Murcia in Spain capture the scale of the problem.

The campaigners led by Peter Wilding and Adrian Yalland wanted judges to force Parliament to vote on keeping Britain in the European single market because they want a 'soft Brexit'.

Baffled onlookers saw Florin Grosu, 33, lying face down in the road in Romford, East London. He was caught on camera thrusting his hips while looking around sheepishly at 11am.

Supermarkets ban online sales as rationing buying spreads

Shoppers in the UK are being stopped from bulk-buying vegetables such iceberg lettuce, courgettes, broccoli and aubergines due to a growing fresh produce shortage caused by extreme weather in Spain. But despite the empty shelves across Britain (including at Tesco in Goole, East Yorkshire, right), supermarkets in Spain are displaying an abundance of fresh vegetables (Mercadona supermarket in Mijas, Malaga, left).

Train manager tells 'drunken racist' to get off train

Alexander 'AJ' MacKinnon (left), 47, was filmed hurling racist abuse at Sanaa Shahid and her four-year-old son Zayn (inset) while the pair were travelling home to Glasgow from London on Virgin train in December. In the shocking footage, MacKinnon is seen swearing at the young boy. But a heroic train guard confronted the solicitor and called him a 'drunken racist' before kicking him off the train (right). MacKinnon appeared at Carlisle Magistrates Court earlier this week and admitted a racially aggravated public order offence. He was fined £1154, plus £50 compensation, a £150 victim surcharge and £85 in court costs.

Soon-to-be wed couple Pippa Middleton and fiance James Matthews were all smiles as they prepared for married life - by visiting a flooring shop.

The London Mayor said the danger of attacks in the capital had risen since he entered city hall last May and keeping people safe was becoming 'increasingly difficult'.

Vernon Mussington, 52, (pictured) appeared in court in Luton charged with harassing Joanne Gullon, who served with the RAF Reserve as a man but now says she 'identifies as a woman'.

Britain reached a landmark moment in its battle to leave the EU when MPs backed the Brexit bill, with 319 Tories and 167 Labour MPs throwing their support behind the legislation.

Presented by French actor Antoine de Caunes (left) and French fashion designer Jean-Paul Gaultier (right), it became an unexpected hit with ratings of between two and three million at its height.

The Brexit Secretary issued the tough message as he defiantly vowed to push ahead with the timetable for leaving the EU despite the government being dealt an humiliating legal blow.

How to slash your train fare with ticket splitting hacks

MailOnline Travel reveals how train passengers can make astonishing savings on the ticket fare for a number of UK routes by using ticket splitting websites. One football fan this week revealed how obtaining the cheapest fare, a saving of £56, involved carrying 56 tickets around with him. Meanwhile, one return journey from Exeter to Durham proved £47.60 cheaper if the thrifty traveller is prepared to carry 28 different tickets (above).

Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, who is set to retire this month after more than five years in the post, said policing large events will be a 'real challenge'.

The energy giant today announced it was the latest company to increase its prices, lifting gas and electricity costs by an overall 9.8 per cent - adding around £109 to a typical dual fuel bill.

Jonathan Norbury, from Swansea, is facing an Education Workforce Council hearing where he could be banned from teaching. The hearing has been told he made a girl, 16, touch him sexually.

Indonesian woman is forced to endure 26 lashes

The woman clutched her head in her hands after being lashed with a cane after being found guilty of having sex outside of wedlock, which is against Sharia law in Aceh, Indonesia. Pictures show how the woman was forced to kneel on the ground on the public stage in front of a mosque in Indonesia's Aceh province. Looking fearful, the man who hands out the punishment uses a cane to crack her across the back 26 times for violating the law as a crowd of people look on.

Inside the hidden world of Indonesia's transgender women

Transexual and transgender people are often shunned in the largely conservative country, and many choose to retreat to a community on the island of Java. Here they could, until last year, attend an Islamic boarding school for transgender learners, thought to be the only one in the world. Now the waria - a term which combines the Indonesian words 'wanita' and 'pria', which mean woman and man - often gather in the building to pray, but the school shut after a public outcry last year. Nevertheless, defiant teachers continue to hold occasional classes for those of the 42 students who continue their learning.

Iran is today testing missile and radar systems to 'showcase its power' to new US President Donald Trump. The test retaliates to sanctions on Tehran yesterday for a recent ballistic missile trial.

Police in Colombia have arrested a 17-year-old drug gang leader accused of carrying out more than 30 murders. Authorities are identifying the teenage killer only by his nickname of 'Frijolito' or 'Little Bean'.

As Nepalese cities continue to grow and the nation recovers from two earthquakes in 2015, the demand for bricks is higher than ever and kiln owners are capitalising on cheap labour.

Anwar Ali, 17, was left lying on the road for half an hour while onlookers took photos after his bicycle had collided with a bus in the Koppal district of India's Karnataka state.

Fabio Di Lello (right) handed himself in to police after gunning down Italo D'Elisa, who faced manslaughter charges for mowing down Roberta Smargiassi (left), 33, last year.

The doctor at a nursing home in the Netherlands was being probed after the death of the 80-year-old woman, who had previously expressed a desire for euthansia when 'the time was right.'



TOM UTLEY says he was utterly mortified to find that a member of his family took part in Monday night's mass demonstration and brandished a placard bearing the obscene legend: 'Trump is a c***'.

DAILY MAIL COMMENT: The legal profession should examine how Phil Shiner (pictured) got away with his corruption for all these years while it was busy attacking the Press.

Apple Tree Yard has caused controversy and divided opinion. Partly because the brooding atmosphere has alienated those looking for the usual sexy older woman romp, writes JAN MOIR.