• Donald Trump's executive order banning entry to the United States for people from some Muslim-majority countries affects large numbers of faculty and students. The AAUP urges you to sign a statement of solidarity against this discriminatory ban.

  • The new issue of Academe calls for a renewed commitment to activism to counter increasing threats to higher education. Contributors provide historical context and practical strategies for the fight ahead, focusing on collective bargaining, public and for-profit education, faculty governance, and financial mismanagement.

  • The Professor Watchlist, which purports to catalogue faculty who "advance leftist propaganda in the classroom,” is a threat to academic freedom and free speech. The AAUP invites you to stand in solidarity with colleagues who have been singled out by asking to be added to the list.

  • On January 19, the AAUP and allies, including the American Federation of Teachers, Cosecha, and the Alliance to Reclaim Our Schools, promoted a day of action aimed at creating more sanctuary campuses and bringing attention to the issue. See resources and information. 

  • Register now for the AAUP's June 14–18 annual conference, featuring presentations on student rights and freedoms. Ibram X. Kendi, winner of the 2016 National Book Award for Nonfiction for his book Stamped from the Beginning: A Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America, is the plenary speaker.

AAUP in the News

Sun, 02/05/2017  |  Eastern Iowa Gazette

Iowa Governor Terry Branstad signed into law a large spending adjustment stripping $18 million from Iowa’s three public universities this budget year. Referring to a multitude of attacks on higher education in Iowa and elsewhere, AAUP's Joerg Tiede said, “The concern is that these are attacks on the role that higher education plays in supporting democracy...the very important role that universities have as spaces where ideas can be explored, where dissent can occur, and where the truth can be investigated."

Thu, 02/02/2017  |  Inside Higher Ed

Online harassment of academics is nothing new. But the increasing trend following the 2016 elections, many targeted faculty members sharing stories in recent months, and with political winds blowing in a decidedly anti-science direction, the AAUP released a statement condemning actions like those taken against professors like Joseph Palermo, a history professor at Sacramento State University.

Thu, 02/02/2017  |  Philadelphia Inquirer

The AAUP issued a statement—in part crafted by Penn State University scientist Michael Mann, who has come under severe attack for his research on climate change—urging universities, governing boards, and faculties to defend academic freedom and condemn targeted harassment and intimidation of faculty. “We cannot tolerate bad-faith smear campaigns and attacks on academics whose findings or views might seem threatening to powerful interest groups,” Mann said. Drexel University professor George Ciccariello-Maher and Temple University faculty union president Arthur Hochner weigh in.


  • Academe Magazine
    Feature articles, columns, and book reviews exploring developments in higher education.
  • Redbook
    The AAUP's key reports and policy documents.
  • Salary Survey
    The AAUP's annual report on faculty compensation.
  • Guidebooks
    Advice on navigating faculty handbooks, the FMLA, and more.

AAUP Updates

The AAUP issued a statement, "Targeted Online Harassment of Faculty," to address increasing concerns about efforts to intimidate and harass faculty. The statement includes recommendations for administrations, governing boards, faculty bodies, and individual faculty members.

The AAUP urges the Senate to block the nomination of Andrew Puzder as secretary of labor. Puzder has opposed paid sick leave, overtime pay, and raising the minimum wage, and he is an opponent of the right of workers to organize unions.

The AAUP strongly opposes Donald Trump's unconstitutional and discriminatory ban on entry into the United States for people from some Muslim-majority countries. Large numbers of our students and faculty members are affected by the administration’s ill-considered executive order, which violates so many American traditions and beliefs.

We urge the United States Senate to reject Betsy DeVos’s nomination as education secretary. In both ideology and practice she has violated the principles of quality education that the AAUP has defended for over a century.

The AAUP urges the Senate not to confirm Jeff Sessions as US Attorney General. His voting record in the US Senate demonstrates his disregard for many of the laws and programs he would be responsible for enforcing as attorney general.


Did you know that AAUP has an online career center to help colleges and universities connect with qualified applicants? 

See position descriptions and learn how to apply.

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Upcoming Events

February 25, 2017 to February 26, 2017

A meeting of the AAUP's Executive Committee.

February 28, 2017

This webinar addresses academic freedom concerns for faculty in the aftermath of the 2016 election. The webinar will provide an overview of the concept of academic freedom, describe recent attacks on academic freedom, and discuss how you can defend academic freedom.

June 2, 2017 to June 3, 2017

A meeting of the AAUP's Committee A on Academic Freedom and Tenure.

June 14, 2017 to June 18, 2017

The 2017 AAUP Annual Conference includes presentations, awards, a lobbying day, and business meetings.