'I'm just so black and fine!' Gabourey Sidibe shows off  her weight loss with a mirror selfie

She's worked hard to lose weight.

So Gabourey Sidibe is rightly proud of her slimmed down reflection.

The actress posted a mirror selfie to Instagram on Friday, showcasing her newly slimmed-down figure in a bright red dress.


'I used to hate mirror selfies,' she recalled in her caption. 'Now I do them everyday. I'm just too black and fine! I can't help it!'

'I used to hate mirror selfies': Gabourey Sidibe posted a mirror selfie to Instagram on Friday, showcasing her newly slimmed-down figure in a bright red dress

Patterns in red, orange, yellow, blue, black and white sprawled over her dress below its cinched-in waist, and she'd draped a midnight blue shawl over her arms.

Over the past few months, going back at least to August, her Instagram page has played host to a string of photos showing her persistent weight loss.

She's noticeably become much svelter than she was in 2009, when her electrifying lead performance in Precious made her a star.

That year, she'd appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show and said her confidence about her size then was 'something I had to work at.'

'Is it too early in the morning for selfies with a Mayfair filter?': Over the past few months, going back at least to August (pictured), her Instagram page has played host to a string of photos showing her persistent weight loss
The change: She's noticeably become much svelter than she was in 2009, when her electrifying lead performance in Precious made her a star; she's pictured at a screening of the movie at the Toronto Film Festival that year

As she'd recalled, 'My first diet started when I was six years old, and so, I've, you know, I've never been a small girl.'

In her 20s, 'I had to sit down with myself and decide that I loved myself no matter what my body looked like and no matter what other people thought of my body.'

By that point in her life, she'd 'got tired of feeling bad all the time. I got tired of hating myself, and so I really, really had to have a conversation with myself and find what I love about myself,' she told Winfrey, one of the producers on Precious.

Her self-assurance has stayed with her since, including in the face of fierce online backlash when she appeared in a sex scene on a November 2015 episode of Empire.

Quick change: This is Gabourey back in November, after she had started her weight loss

'I, a plus sized, dark-skinned woman, had a love scene on primetime television,' she wrote in Entertainment Weekly after the episode aired. 

'I had the most fun ever filming that scene even though I was nervous. But I felt sexy and beautiful and I felt like I was doing a good job.'


Noting that 'people are "hating" on it,' she breezily responded: 'I’m not sure how anyone could hate on love but that’s okay. You may have your memes. Honestly, I’m at work too busy to check Twitter anyway. #Booked.' 

'My first diet started when I was six years old': That year, she'd appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show and said her confidence about her size then was 'something I had to work at'

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