Iran is set to 'showcase its power' with a missile test just a day after US President Donald Trump imposed fresh sanctions on Tehran 

  • Iran is today testing missile and radar systems to 'showcase its power' 
  • The test retaliates to Mr Trump's imposition of sanctions on Tehran yesterday 
  • US sanctioned 13 individuals and 12 entities related to Iran's missile programme 

Iran is today testing missile and radar systems to 'showcase its power' to new US President Donald Trump.

The test retaliates to Mr Trump's imposition of sanctions on Tehran yesterday for a recent ballistic missile trial.

The US sanctioned 13 individuals and 12 entities related to Iran's missile programme and Mr Trump's national security adviser Michael Flynn said the United States was putting Iran on notice over its 'destabilising activity'.

Iran is today testing missile and radar systems to 'showcase its power' to new US President Donald Trump

Iran's Revolutionary Guards website said that the aim of the military exercise in Semnan province was to 'showcase the power of Iran's revolution and to dismiss the sanctions.'

Iranian state news agencies reported that home-made missile systems, radars, command and control centres, and cyber warfare systems would be tested in the drill.

Although tensions between Washington and Iran have risen, US Defense Secretary James Mattis said on Saturday he was not considering raising the number of US forces in the Middle East to address Iran's 'misbehavior' at this time, but warned that the world would not ignore Iranian activities.

Iran has one of the Middle East's largest missile programmes and held a similar exercise in December to showcase its defence systems, including radars, anti-missile defence units, and short and medium-range missiles.

Tehran confirmed on Wednesday that it had test-fired a new ballistic missile, but said the test did not breach the Islamic Republic's nuclear agreement with world powers or a U.N. Security Council resolution endorsing the pact.

The test retaliates to Mr Trump's imposition of sanctions on Tehran yesterday for a recent ballistic missile test

Iran has test-fired several ballistic missiles since the nuclear deal in 2015, but the latest test was the first since Mr Trump entered the White House. MrTrump said during his election campaign that he would stop Iran's missile programme.

The United Nations Security Council held an emergency meeting on Tuesday and recommended the missile testing be studied at committee level. The new U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, called the test 'unacceptable'.

The Security Council resolution was adopted to buttress the deal under which Iran curbed its nuclear activities to allay concerns they could be used to develop atomic bombs, in exchange for relief from economic sanctions.

The resolution urged Tehran to refrain from work on ballistic missiles designed to deliver nuclear weapons. Critics say the resolution's language does not make this obligatory.

Tehran says it has not carried out any work on missiles specifically designed to carry nuclear payloads. 

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