Google Analytics
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Google Analytics的訊息

Understand Your Audience With Google Analytics
#measure #analytics

"Google Analytics is an excellent service for businesses to use in that it provides a wealth of data on visitors to your company’s website. Upon a cursory glance, it’s easy to only log-on daily or weekly to examine traffic trends, which is great for content creation. However, that is just the tip of what Google Analytics offers businesses."

How to Set the Right Google Analytics Goals for Your Website
#measure #analytics

"Google Analytics goals help marketers measure how well their website meets target objectives. But do you know the most valuable website actions and conversions to track for your business?"

Building a culture of optimization requires a shift in mindset for many businesses. Watch this on-demand webinar to learn best practices. https://goo.gl/5XaWBf #optimize

Brand marketers are discovering that data is the key to a high-impact campaign. Read more: https://goo.gl/LehQvt #marketing #measure #InspiredByData #optimize

Casey Carey, marketing director of Google Analytics Solutions, suggests instituting a "quarterly failure report" for your marketing team. Here's why: https://goo.gl/qIsb4r #measure #optimize

Driving growth with marketing measurement in a mobile world. Senior marketers are adapting marketing measurement to keep pace with changing consumer behavior. Learn more: https://goo.gl/iP5mwZ #marketing #measure #mobile

14 Ways You Can Use Google Analytics to Improve Your Website
#analytics #measure

"With the advent of tools such as Google Analytics, it is now possible to track how a visitor came across your site, including from offline or internet of things sources, as well as how long visitors stayed, and what kind of content or keywords kept them there."

Step by Step: Linking Your Analytics and Optimize Accounts
#measure #analytics #optimize

"To begin using Optimize, you must first setup your account and container (see this post with a Step-by-Step of how to do that), and then link your Google Analytics property to your Optimize account. In this post, I’ll show you how to setup your linking."

"The best fuel we have is really great insight." -Kunal Muzumdar, POSSIBLE. Why this global digital agency uses insights driven by Google Surveys 360 to create campaigns: https://youtu.be/eFq8JXsgBVU/?CID=GooglePlus

A quick walkthrough of the Google Optimize Editor