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This page is for the previous, classic version of G+ and may be outdated. We will be updating this page in the next few weeks and will remove this banner when the page has been updated.

See and edit your Google+ profile

Your Google+ profile includes posts you've made on Google+, Collections you've created or followed, and Communities you’ve joined.

You can also add a cover photo, a profile photo, and a tagline, which are public. If you don't add a profile photo, we'll make one for you with your initials. 

To see your Google+ profile, click or tap Profile in the navigation menu.

From your Google+ profile, people can also see more information about you when they click or tap ABOUT.

You can also edit some of this information through About Me. When you change your name, tagline, profile photo, or cover photo in Google+, it is reflected in your About Me information. 

Edit your Google+ profile

You can edit your Google+ profile to:

  • Change what Communities show up on your Google+ profile
  • Choose whether to show Collections you follow on your Google+ profile
  • Add or change a tagline
  • Change your cover and profile photos

Note that Collections you own will be displayed on your profile automatically to people you have shared them with.  For example, public collections you have created may be displayed to anyone who visits your profile.

Important: Profiles look different in the new Google+, and other information may show up on your old Google+ profile. You can switch back to classic Google+ to see and edit your old Google+ profile. Profiles may also look different on different platforms. 

To edit your Google+ profile on a computer:

  1. Open your Google+ profile by opening the Navigation menu, then clicking Profile.
  2. Click Edit profile.
  3. Make your changes, then click SAVE.

Edit your About Me information from Google+

Because people can see your About Me information using Google+, you can edit some of your Google-wide About Me information, including your name and nickname, from Google+.

Important: When you make changes to your About Me information from Google+, those changes will show up in other Google products where people can see your About Me information.

  1. Open your Google+ profile by opening the Navigation menu, then clicking or tapping Profile.
  2. Go to the information section by clicking or tapping ABOUT.
  3. To make changes to a section, click or tap Edit .
About +Pages

You can use +Pages to make Google+ pages for anything that isn't a person, like a business, a band, or a team. 
 To create and edit +pages, or to add and remove managers, you can visit the Google My Business Help Center.

You can use Google My Business to manage your +Pages.

Important: +Page Profiles look different in the new Google+, and other information may show up on your old +Page Profile. You can switch back to classic Google+ to see and edit your old +Page profile. +Page Profiles may also look different on different platforms. 

Note: Not all features are available across all platforms. If you can't find something you're looking for, please try a different device. 

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