Seven director quits and joins elite club

Leading corporate lawyer Sheila McGregor this week joined an elite club of non-executive directors in Australia to have ...
Leading corporate lawyer Sheila McGregor this week joined an elite club of non-executive directors in Australia to have resigned from a board over a matter of principle. David Rowe

Leading corporate lawyer Sheila McGregor this week joined an elite club of non-executive directors in Australia to have resigned from a board over a matter of principle.

In keeping with the actions of others in this exclusive club, such as Caroline Hewson who left the AMP board suddenly in 2001, the departure of McGregor from the board of Seven West Media was without any explanation to shareholders as to why she resigned.

McGregor did not respond to texts, emails or telephone calls this week so the explanation for her sudden departure from the Seven board has to come from a combination of supposition and reliable sources.

It was not meant to end this way.

When McGregor joined the Seven board in June 2015 it was supposed to mark the start of a second career as a non-executive director.

Her law firm, Gilbert + Tobin, has a policy of allowing senior partners to join the corporate world.

This is partly for career development, partly to make the partners better lawyers and partly to extend the firm's commercial network.

The co-founder and managing partner of McGregor's firm, Danny Gilbert, is a big believer in lawyers being actively involved in corporate governance. Gilbert was a director of National Australia Bank for 12 years until December last year.

Gilbert says there is obviously reputational risk associated with partners at a law firm being on a board of directors but he has no intention of banning the practice in wake of McGregor's experience.

"I have no comment to make on her personal decision at Seven," Gilbert said.

There are two views about McGregor's actions in the tight knit world of non-independent directors.

One view that is held by a select group of male company directors is that McGregor has cruelled her prospects of being able to build a portfolio of directorships.

She is seen to have broken the unwritten code in Australia corporate circles about the importance of being a team player.

McGregor's resignation has enhanced her reputation among prominent female non-executive directors on the boards of leading companies.

They admire her decision to resign rather than remain on the board of a company which has allowed a chief executive involved in "unacceptable behaviour" to keep his job.

The consensus among leading female directors interviewed by Chanticleer was that Seven's board failed a fundamental test in relation to culture and values.

They say the board is not setting the right tone at the top of the organisation. It has, in effect, endorsed a CEO who has suffered serious failures of judgement.

Seven's chief executive Tim Worner entered into a personal and consensual sexual relationship with a Seven employee, Amber Harrison, which concluded in July 2014.

The board said this was "inappropriate given his senior position in the company and not behaviour condoned by the company".

"Mr Worner has been disciplined by the chairman (Kerry Stokes) and the board and provided an undertaking this behaviour will not be repeated, as well as an apology."

It should be noted that Stokes thinks the world of Worner. He is regarded as "Mr TV" – an executive with a special genius for making loads of money in an industry fraught with risks.

The board concluded there were no grounds to take any further action against Worner following the receipt of an independent report into the matter by law firm Allens Linklaters.

McGregor, who was the driving force behind commissioning the independent report, appears to be of the same view but we will never be 100 per cent sure about that until she confirms it.

She is said to support the findings of the report by Allens Linklaters which could not find any evidence that Worner was using drugs on company time or using shareholders' funds to pay for the relationship.

McGregor's fundamental disagreement with other board members is over the consequences of a CEO involved in unacceptable conduct. She has apparently looked beyond the strict legal findings of the Allens Linklaters report to the moral and ethical issues.

Another contributing factor to McGregor's resignation could well have been the way she was treated by fellow directors at the time of her appointment. McGregor and two other directors appointed in June 2015, Jeff Kennett and Michael Malone, were kept in the dark about Worner's escapades.

There are those in legal circles who argue that the directors of Seven had an obligation to tell McGregor, Kennett and Malone about Worner's relationship with Harrison even though it had been dealt with in 2014.

The argument goes that existing directors have an obligation to impart information to co-directors which is relevant to the well-being of the company.

It could well be argued that the existing directors had a legal obligation to share with McGregor, Kennett and Malone information pertaining to the CEO and the carriage of his duties.