Best Pergola Experts in Redland Bay QLD


Pergola Experts ready to help

Latest reviews

  • Contracted BP Constructions to rectify and construct. That proved to be a brilliant choice. Brett is genuine - his wisdom, direction, communication, reliability & quality are spot on. He knows his stuff and delivers! Would highly recommend BP Constructions.

    Left for Bp Constructions
  • We were pleased with the prompt and friendly service we received particularly as the job was only small & often not the type of job that anyone hurries to do for the customer. We would definitely use this service again!

    Left for The Service Guy

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Past Pergola Expert jobs

  • Pergola Job from Adam

    Ingleburn, NSW

    What do you need done?

    Build new

    What style of Pergola?

    Flat roof

    What is it made of?

    Not sure

    Is there an existing base?


    Will it be connected to any structures?

    Yes (side of property)

    Do you have council approval?


    Do you have plans drawn up?

    No plans needed

    Are you providing materials?

    No, I need the professional to source them

    Do you require additional services?



    Wanting to build a simple pergola in my backyard. Nothing too flash. Either timber frame with colorbond roof or the entire pergola in colorbond. It will be attached to the back of my house. I can d...

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