Quite the treat! Sara Gilbert has mother-son date with Rhodes at Jessica's Biel's pricey Au Fudge restaurant in Los Angeles

She's on mom-duty for the day. 

And Sara Gilbert, 42, wasted no time spoiling her little boy Rhodes to a some treats at Au Fudge in Los Angles on Thursday.

The Talk co-host held her son close as they walk out of the building into the LA sunshine.  

Fun date! Sara Gilbert, 42, wasted no time spoiling her little boy Rhodes to a some treats at Au Fudge in Los Angles on Thursday

Doting mom: The Talk co-host held her son close as they walk out of the building into the LA sunshine

Sara was dressed casually in low-cut dark wash jeans and a loose grey sweater, which she appeared to wear over a dark t-shirt. 

She paired the understated ensemble with comfortable, worn-in shoes with untied laces. 

The mother-of-three wore her tight curls natural and down around her face and opted for her usual make-up free look. 

Little Rhodes, who is almost two, looked dapper in a white sweatshirt and black pants. 

She keeps things simple: Sara was dressed casually in low-cut dark wash jeans and a loose grey sweater, which she appeared to wear over a dark t-shirt

Cute! Little Rhodes, who is almost 2, looked dapper in a white sweatshirt and black pants paired with blue Adidas running shoes

He was sporting blue and white baby Adidas shoes and looked happy and content in his mother's arms. 

The little boy's long, blonde hair was flowing around his head as he enjoyed being carried by his mom. 

The duo spent some time in Jessica Biel's organic, kid-friendly restaurant Au Fudge, which boasts grass-fed beef burger, baked mac and cheese, and fun treats - all organic and made from 100 percent natural ingredients.

Rhodes is the Sara and wife Linda Perry's only child together but Sara also has two children with her former partner Alison Adler, son Levi, 11, and eight-year-old Sawyer. 


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