Teenage 'hitman' nicknamed Little Bean is arrested on suspicion of carrying out more than 30 murders in Colombia 

  • Colombian police have arrested a 17-year-old accused of killing over 30 people
  • The teenager has only been identified as 'Frijolito' which translates to 'Little Bean
  • 'Frijolito' was the leader of a local drug gang and began killing at 12 years-old
  • His capture was proudly announced by Cali police officers on its Twitter page

A 17-year-old drug gang leader accused of carrying out more than 30 murders has been arrested in Colombia after a four month manhunt. 

Due to strict privacy protections for minors in the South American country authorities are identifying the teenage killer only by his nickname of 'Frijolito' which translates to 'Little Bean'.

According to authorities, he is the leader of a drugs squad called 'Los del Ave', based in the city of Cali, and his last job was a double homicide in a shopping centre last September.

Cali Police announced the capture of the Little Bean' through its Twitter page on Thursday 

The young man allegedly began killing people around the age of 12 and developed a reputation for ruthlessness as head of a gang of drug traffickers and assassins that terrorize Colombia's third largest city. 

It is believed he gained his alias from a novel about Colombian hitmen. 

'Little Bean's' capture was proudly announced by the police on its Twitter page on Friday with photographs showing officers beside a teenager in handcuffs with his head bowed.

A large, white skull emblazoned on his black hoodie gives an indication of the young killer's profession.  

Police parade the youngster for the cameras. He was wearing a black hoodie with a skull emblazoned on it 

He is being held at a juvenile detention center but that when he turns 18 he'll be transferred to a prison

An elite squad of police officers had have been trying to track him for four months in Cali, a city that was once dubbed the 'most dangerous city in the world' due to its high number of homicides per capita. 

Hugo Casas, chief of police said: 'He is only 17 years old and has committed more than 30 homicides.

'He is really a dangerous person, it was good to get him and let's say the city is free of a person who could continue doing these deeds outside authority.'

Authorities said he was being held at a juvenile detention center but that when he turns 18 he'll be transferred to a prison.  

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