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Custard tart ice cream is here to fulfil your dessert combo dreams

Do you love custard tarts? Well, they're now coming to you in ice cream form!

Start the car, there's a new must-try ice cream flavour hitting the supermarket shelves.

The geniuses over at Bulla Dairy Foods decided to combine two of your favourite dessert items to create a new mouthwatering combo: custard tart ice cream.

The ice cream will come on a stick, dipped in a chocolate coating and covered in crunchy biscuit pieces.

According to Bulla, the new flavour is supposed to inspire feelings of nostalgia, but even if your past wasn't full of custard tarts, you may want this ice cream in your future.

Keep an eye out for boxes of the ice creams in Coles and Woolworths supermarkets from February 6. You can get a pack for $6.19.

Related article: Dessert tacos are the best new way to eat ice cream 


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