
Peter Martin

Peter Martin is the Economics Editor for The Age.

RBA governor Philip Lowe delivered his speech to international investors in Sydney for the A50 Economic Forum.

Reserve Bank leaves rates on hold at 1.5%

The Reserve Bank of Australia has left its cash rate steady for the fifth consecutive board meeting as it prepares to release forecasts showing economic growth picking up and inflation climbing from 1.5 per cent to more than 2 per cent.

ANU Economic modeller Renee Fry-McKibbin got house prices pretty right.

The people who saw crazy 2016 coming

In most years there’s room for one forecaster of the year. But not in 2016. Hardly any of our panel picked the dive in Australia’s growth rate to 1.8 per cent or the dive in the cash rate to a record-low 1.5 per cent. Wage growth was lower than all but the most pessimistic of the forecasts, and house prices ended the year far higher than the highest.