- published: 09 Dec 2013
- views: 3555
AQAP may refer to:
Trac is an open source, Web-based project management and bug tracking system. The program is inspired by CVSTrac, and was originally named svntrac due to its ability to interface with Subversion. It is developed and maintained by Edgewall Software.
Trac is written in the Python programming language. Until mid-2005, it was available under the GNU General Public License; since version 0.9, it has been released under a modified BSD license.
Trac allows hyperlinking information between a bug database, revision control and wiki content. It also serves as a Web interface to the following revision control systems: Subversion, Git, Mercurial, Bazaar, Perforce and Darcs. Prior to version 0.11, the web front end presentation of Trac was handled by the ClearSilver template system. Starting with 0.11, an in-house template system called Genshi is used, although compatibility with ClearSilver-based plugins will remain for several versions.
Other features include:
AQAP's Role in the Al Qaeda Network: What You Need To Know
AQAP: "The Beginning of the Rain"
Chilling message from AQAP calls for attacks in the U.S.
Mujahidin AQAP Menyerang Pos Keamanan Syiah
AQAP: "From the Field: Striking the Hinīn Military Post In Ḥaḍramawt
Who is AQAP terror group commander al-Ansi?
AQAP attack on the military intelligence headquarters in Lahj
The Strike of Mujahideen AQAP against Regime Syiria
Komentar AQAP terkait serangan terhadap Departemen Pertahanan Yaman di Sana'a
AQAP: “Raid Of Revenge For the Female Prisoners”
TIME's International Editor Bobby Ghosh tells you everything you need to know about Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula Subscribe to TIME ►► http://po.st/SubscribeTIME Get closer to the world of entertainment and celebrity news as TIME gives you access and insight on the people who make what you watch, read and share. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2EFFA5DB900C633F Money helps you learn how to spend and invest your money. Find advice and guidance you can count on from how to negotiate, how to save and everything in between. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYOGLpQQfhNKdqS_Wccs94rMHiajrRr4W Find out more about the latest developments in science and technology as TIME’s access brings you to the ideas and people changing our world. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYOGLp...
If you are interested in seeing more informational content related to terrorism and political violence in Syria, please consider signing up for a FREE Trial to TRAC, by clicking the following link: http://www.trackingterrorism.org/preview/trac-your-comprehensive-resource-all-aspects-terrorism-studies Originally published on: April 4, 2014 Believed to be recorded around March 31, 2014, AQAP's Al-Malahem Media presents the video release "The Beginning of the Rain," which features the dozens of AQAP operatives who are believed to have escaped Sana'a Central Prison back in February 2014. TRAC Disclaimer: The posting of this video is by no means an act of promoting this group, their ideologies, tactics, or actions; nor is this video being posted as any form of entertainment. TRAC, their ...
CNN's Brian Todd reports on new threats from al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula bomb maker Ibrahim al-Asiri and another top militant.
Posted by Jihadology on June 4, 2014 Here is an English translation of the below Arabic video message If you are interested in seeing more informational content related to terrorism and political violence in Syria, please consider signing up for a FREE Trial to TRAC, by clicking the following link: http://www.trackingterrorism.org/preview/trac-your-comprehensive-resource-all-aspects-terrorism-studies TRAC Disclaimer: The posting of this video is by no means an act of promoting this group, their ideologies, tactics, or actions; nor is this video being posted as any form of entertainment. TRAC, their owners, publishers, editors, contributors or employees nor any person or persons associated with TRAC do not in any way condone any and all actions by this group or any of its factions and/...
CNN's Nick Paton Walsh looks at one of the highest profile members of the AQAP terror group, commander Nasr Ibn Ali al-Ansi.
If you are interested in seeing more informational content related to terrorism and political violence in Syria, please consider signing up for a FREE Trial to TRAC, by clicking the following link: http://www.trackingterrorism.org/preview/trac-your-comprehensive-resource-all-aspects-terrorism-studies Originally published on: TRAC Disclaimer: The posting of this video is by no means an act of promoting this group, their ideologies, tactics, or actions; nor is this video being posted as any form of entertainment. TRAC, their owners, publishers, editors, contributors or employees nor any person or persons associated with TRAC do not in any way condone any and all actions by this group or any of its factions and/or affiliates. TRAC's main purpose is to continuously work to educate the ma...
Al-Malahim Media Foundation, the media wing of Al-Qaeda Mujahideen in Arabic Peninsula (AQAP) on Friday (07/03/2014) released a video "Against Aggression" third series. The video lasted 31 minutes 19 seconds. Al-Fajr Media Center and then released the official video and the wider international jihadi websites.
Yayasan Media Al-Malahim, sayap media Mujahidin Al-Qaeda di Semenanjuang Arab (AQAP) pada Desember 2013 M merilis video terkait serangan terhadap departemen pertahanan di Sana'a. Video berdurasi 4 menit 26 detik tersebut menampilkan komandan operasi AQAP, Syaikh Qasim Ar-Reimi (semoga Allah menjaganya). Video itu dipublikasikan secara resmi oleh Al-Fajr Media Center pada Ahad (22/12/2013). Syaikh Qasim menyampaikan pesan penting terkait penyerangan terhadap rumah sakit yang berada di Departemen Pertahanan Yaman oleh seorang Mujahid. Mewakili AQAP, Syaikh Qasim menegaskan bahwa hal itu merupakan kesalahan target dari anggotanya itu. AQAP tidak pernah memerintahkan anggotanya untuk menyerang fasilitas umum seperti rumah sakit. AQAP telah mewanti-wanti anggotanya untuk berhati-hati saat mel...
Originally posted on July 28 2014 al-Malāḥim Media presents a new video message from al-Qā’idah in the Arabian Peninsula: “Raid Of Revenge For the Female Prisoners” If you are interested in seeing more informational content related to terrorism and political violence in Syria, please consider signing up for a FREE Trial to TRAC, by clicking the following link: http://www.trackingterrorism.org/preview/trac-your-comprehensive-resource-all-aspects-terrorism-studies TRAC Disclaimer: The posting of this video is by no means an act of promoting this group, their ideologies, tactics, or actions; nor is this video being posted as any form of entertainment. TRAC, their owners, publishers, editors, contributors or employees nor any person or persons associated with TRAC do not in any way condo...
Assiri : Objectives of Decisive Storm Do Not Involve Targeting of AQAP
#MakeYouTubeGreatAgain #ButThatDoesNothing #SoIllPutIrrelaventHashtagsInTheDescription #AQAP #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #GrandDad #Fleenstones
Al-Malahim Media Foundation, the media wing of Al-Qaeda Mujahideen in Arabic Peninsula (AQAP) on Friday (07/03/2014) released a video "Against Aggression" third series. The video lasted 31 minutes 19 seconds. Al-Fajr Media Center and then released the official video and the wider international jihadi websites.
President Barack Obama touted America’s counterterrorism policy in Yemen as a success and model for combatting the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. Just one year later, Yemen is entrenched in a civil war, and the US “Yemen model” is in shambles. Meanwhile, al Qaeda’s dangerous Yemen affiliate, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), has taken advantage of the country’s deteriorating security to expand. Subscribe to AEI's YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/user/AEIVideos?sub_confirmation=1 Like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/AEIonline Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/AEI For More Information http://www.aei.org
Recent developments in Yemen demonstrate that al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula referred to as the (AQAP) is restive, capable and emboldened; however the military approach of the United States is only worsening the situation. Add to that AQAP's announcement last week of the formation of a new armed unit - specifically tasked with attacking Houthi rebels, whose leaders already suspect that Sanaa politicians have stronger links with al-Qaeda than they are admitting. These suspicions will only worsen when AQAP's attacks on the Houthis begin. Studio Guest: Dr. George Labaki: Professor of Constitutional Law and Int. Relations at NDU Link Guest: Rasha Jarhum: Social Researcher
"The Crisis in Yemen: AQAP, Salah, and Governmental Instability" by Christopher Swift at FPRI's Middle East History Institute on "Teaching the Middle East: Between Authoritarianism and Reform" in Philadelphia, PA on October 15-16, 2011.
http://www.alaan.tv http://akhbar.alaan.tv "The dagger targeting the Arab World" This is a special Akhbar Al Aan documentary on Al Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula. Who are AQAP? Where do they come from? Are they only foreigners or are there Yemenis among their ranks? Why did the people find AQAP's ideologies and practices alien to the Yemeni culture? How does AQAP try to lure the youth and what is the Yemeni society doing to counter such efforts? How did AQAP harm the social and economic structure of Yemen? Why did the tribes decide to take up arms against AQAP and how well did they do? In this exclusive documentary in Arabic, Akhbar Al Aan answers these questions from a human interest perspective and through the eyes of community leaders, officials as well as the ordinary Yemeni me...
Abu Bakr al-Hadrami, munshid from AQAP, Yemen. His nasheeds are mostly published by al-Bashair Media Productions. ------------CONTENT-------------- Aros al-Harb 0:07 عروس الحرب Ukafkifu Admu'i 3:21 أكفكف ادمعي Darruhum Lillahh: 8:11 درهم لله Awwada ala's Sahr 11:38 عود علي السهر Bushraki 'Udna 15:58 بشراك يا وقار Jayinik 18:15 جايينك [We are coming to you!] Jannah 21:01 الجنة [Paradise] Nadheeru's Sharr 25:15 نذيد الشر Ya Midfai'yy 27:22 يا مدفعي الرشاش Waqtul Iqtiham قد حان وقت الإقتحام [Stroming Time] Usbatun Fillah عصبة في الله كنا Udhran li-Qaumi 37:08 عذرا لقومي [Sorry for my Nation] Yatawathabun يتواثبون الي الطعان 40:03 Daqa Sadri (Dhikr al-Ma'arik) ضاق صدري - ذكر المارك-ي 43:37 Faris al-I'lam (Rithau Bashir al-Hulaysi) 46:57 في رثاء فارس الإعلام بشير الحليسي [Lahat] Ru:us al-...
Panel 4: Yemen Case Study (al-Qaeda on the Arabian Peninsula) Paper: Christopher Boucek, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Panelists: Brian O’Neill, Waq al-Waq blog Barak Salmoni, Washington Institute for Near East Policy Jeremy Sharp, Congressional Research Service Moderator: Tally Helfont, FPRI The fourth panel at the Foreign Policy Research Institute's (FPRI) The Foreign Fighter Problem: Recent Trends and Case Studies conference held at, and cosponsored with, the Reserve Officers Association in Washington, DC, on September 28, 2010.
Webster Tarpley - World Crisis Radio - January 10, 2015 French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve has told the Paris daily Le Figaro that the terror cell seen in action this week had been the “object of surveillance” by police in the time just before the Jan. 5 attack on the offices of Charlie Hebdo. One of the patsies had served 18 months in jail in connection with guerrilla activities against US forces in Iraq almost a decade ago. The cell had been rounded up for questioning more recently for their armed plot to spring the Algerian terrorist Belkacem (GIA, Armed Islamic Group) from prison, where he was serving time for bombing the Paris subways in 1995. Some of these patsies were on the US no fly list. One patsy had made a tape pledging allegiance to ISIS, while another claimed to hold...
Source: https://www.spreaker.com/user/lokiluckiii/mexican-supreme-court-should-reject-mass 1) Mexican Supreme Court Should Reject Mass Surveillance https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2016/04/mexican-supreme-court-should-reject-mass-surveillance * Constitution of Mexico https://www.oas.org/juridico/mla/en/mex/en_mex-int-text-const.pdf 2) YEMEN: Senator Rand Paul Combats Saudi Empowerment of AQAP and Indiscriminate Bombing of Yemeni Civilians http://21stcenturywire.com/2016/04/15/yemen-senator-rand-paul-combats-saudi-empowerment-of-aqap-and-indiscriminate-bombing-of-yemeni-civilians/ 3) Faсade of Obama’s Politics of Nuclear Summits http://m.journal-neo.org/2016/04/15/fasade-of-obama-s-politics-of-nuclear-summits/ 4) Merkel OKs Prosecuting Journalist for Insulting Erdogan http://sjlendman.blo...
Smile! I'ma blow a hole in your neck
And leave you standing there looking stupid like Beck
Everybody jumps to the juggalo sound
Fuck outta here if you ain't down with the clown
Fuck rednecks, dum diddy dum
Barrels in your mouth, shreds your toungue
Everybody jumps to the juggalo sound
Fuck outta here if you ain't down with the clown
Fuck Gene Simmons, you make me sick
'Psycho Circus' you stole my shit!
Spit your blood out and do your dance
But I'ma kick that ass through your leather pants
Fuck 'Palooza, big festivals
We'll never sell out with you bitch-ass hoes
Everybody jumps to the Juggalo Sound
Fuck outta here if you ain't down with the clown
Everybody razed on the East Side (RIZE!)
Everybody razed on the West Side (RIZE!)
Everybody razed on the North Side (RIZE!)
South Side (RIZE!)
Everybody (RIZE!)
Everybody razed on the East Side (RIZE!)
Everybody razed on the West Side (RIZE!)
Everybody razed on the North Side (RIZE!)
South Side (RIZE!)
Everybody (RIZE!)
Fuck money, I was raised up without shit
That's how I'll die, that's how I like it
Everybody Jumps to the juggalo sound
Fuck outta here if you ain't down with the clown
I SCREAAAAAMM! I make towers shatter
I hooped the moon through the rings of Saturn
Everybody Jumps to the juggalo sound
Fuck outta here if you ain't down with the clown
I say what I want, whatever I feel
Fuck your big contract record deal
Paper ain't shit youse amongst the dead
Dark Carnival, Alakoompahed
Fuck Videos, and radio play
Fuck shit, suck my dick all day
Everybody Jumps to the juggalo sound
Fuck outta here if you ain't down with the clown
Suck my dick
Micheal Eisler can suck my dick
If he's got some kind of problem with my shit
Everybody Jumps to the juggalo sound
Fuck outta here if you ain't down with the clown
"I'm just a FAGOT!" (Korn) "FAGOT!" Yeah,
They call you that 'cuz you act like a bitch
Everybody Jumps to the juggalo sound
Fuck outta here, FUCK OUTTA HERE!
Fuck skin color, everybody's blue
Then what would all these bigots do?
Instead of your tone, they'd hate your size
That's why I must poke out all of their eyes
ICP (yeah), we roam alone
Ever since inner city ghetto zone
Everybody Jumps to the juggalo sound