'That boring fag ash lil should NOT have won!' Kim Woodburn slams Coleen Nolan's CBB triumph... and says she would rather have seen enemy Nicola McLean win instead

She came in third place in Friday night's Celebrity Big Brother finale, losing out to runners-up Jedward and winner Coleen Nolan.

And Kim Woodburn has expressed how disgruntled she is that Coleen took this season's CBB crown, admitting that she doesn't understand what the voting public were thinking.

'How that woman won Big Brother with Jedward sitting there is beyond me!' the former How Clean Is Your House star exclaimed.

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'That boring fag ash lil should NOT have won!' Kim Woodburn slams Coleen Nolan's CBB triumph... and says she would rather have seen enemy Nicola McLean win instead

Setting the record straight: Speaking to the MailOnline, Kim said that everyone else in there was 'desperate to win' - which lead to their 'gang-handed' treatment of her on the show

'She was a boring fag ash lil! She shouldn't have won. I'm tired of all these Loose Women winning!'

Referring to the fact that, to date, three of the ladies from the Loose Women panel have scooped the accolade of Celebrity Big Brother winner across the show's run (Denise Welch reigning in 2012 and Katie Price in 2015), Kim branded Coleen as 'awful' and an undeserved winner.

'I'd rather Nicola had won!' she said - a shocking admission given Kim and Nicola McLean's fractious and often vehement altercations in the house.

'The woman was just running with the foxes and hunting with the hounds!' Kim said of Coleen, accusing her of being a dull housemate who simply went along with the rest of the celebrities inside CBB manor.

'How that woman won Big Brother with Jedward sitting there is beyond me!' The former How Clean Is Your House star exclaimed

Speaking to the MailOnline, Kim said that everyone else in there was 'desperate to win' - which lead to their 'gang-handed' treatment of her on the show.

Discussing the infamous evening she was escorted by security out of the house for a much-needed cool off following a tiff with the others, Kim said: I was glad to be taken away; frankly I'd worn myself to the bone - and I'm a tough woman!'

Despite favouring Nicola to win the series over Coleen, Kim's opinion of the former glamour model hasn't changed overall.

'She's an evil little beggar and she was in her element, smiling when she said the vilest things about me!' Kim said. 'When I first arrived, she came up and gave me the rules of house, as if she was in charge.

Speaking out: Referring to the fact that, to date, three of the ladies from the Loose Women panel have scooped the accolade of Celebrity Big Brother winner across the show's run (Denise Welch reigning in 2012 and Katie Price in 2015), Kim branded Coleen as 'awful' and an undeserved winner

'She's got to be the centre of attention and people didn't have the guts to say anything back to her. Something is wrong with that girl, she's spiteful.'

Despite branding Nicola a bully, Kim only had nice things to say about Bianca Gascoigne.

'Little Bianca is a lovely girl, very peaceful,' she said. 'In my heart of hearts, I don't hold anything against her.'

The same could not be said of her opinion of Bianca's in-house lover, footballer Jamie O'Hara.

And the winner is...: 'The woman was just running with the foxes and hunting with the hounds!' Kim said of Coleen, accusing her of being a dull housemate who simply went along with the rest of the celebrities inside CBB manor

Enemies: Despite favouring Nicola to win the series over Coleen, Kim's opinion of the former glamour model hasn't changed overall

'Jamie had annoyed me before I even went into the house,' Kim insisted, touching on the fact that she entered 10 days into the process. 'He'd got the heckles flying in my lounge.

'He said on national TV that his wife is claiming every penny from him. Nicola his wife [Danielle Lloyd] only married him for the money. They have three children and will always be in each other's lives.'

Of his relationship with Bianca, Kim said: 'Twice on camera he said "I love you" to her. But he originally liked Jasmine and flirted with Nicola.'

'Three women in two and a half weeks. Do I need to say any more?' she added.

The 74-year-old former cleaner revealed that her tough nature comes from her 'rotten' childhood, during which her mother would 'beat me with a carpet brush'.

She also admitted that a close friend of her's hanged herself years ago as a product of bullying.

Linking her feelings on the matter to her time in the house, she said: 'You read in the paper about kids and adults being bullied. And if I hadn't been a strong old broad [the other housemates] would have destroyed me.

'If I never see them again it will be too soon!'

And despite her place in the final three, and her self-proclaimed status as a Big Brother super fan, Kim says she would never return for another stint in CBB again.

'I'm no coward but I'd have to be desperate to go back in!' she said.



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