Vote Down the TPP

Vote Down the TPP




The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (or TPP) is a dangerous trade deal with the potential to destroy thousands of Australian jobs.

The deal was negotiated by Malcolm Turnbull behind closed doors and allows corporations to sue our government just for making laws in the public interest. The TPP risks our jobs, our health and our democracy.

We have to defeat the TPP because:

  • it allows corporations to sue Australia just for making laws in the public interest (like lowering the cost of medicines for the sick).
  • it will force Australia to take even more workers on dodgy visas, undermining our wages and conditions and allowing corporations to make a killing off the backs of exploited foreign workers.
  • it says it will protect workers and the environment but is vague and almost unenforceable.

We have to stop this corporate power grab –and we can.

Malcolm Turnbull doesn’t have the votes to ratify this dangerous deal if Labor, the Greens and the crossbench Senators unite to block it.

Sign the petition calling for all parties to vote down the TPP and to stand with Australians.


For more information and a guide to what else you can do to stop this dangerous deal, download our TPP Campaign Kit.



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7,657 signatures

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Showing 6563 reactions

  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-16 07:00:10 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-14 22:13:32 +1100
  • test actuonline
    posted about this on Facebook 2017-02-14 04:18:05 +1100
    I've signed the petition calling for Labor, the Greens and cross benchers to block the TPP in the Senate. Have you?
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-14 04:17:49 +1100
    Bradley Robert Worth
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-13 22:29:30 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-13 20:30:12 +1100
  • test actuonline
    posted about this on Facebook 2017-02-13 19:03:31 +1100
    I've signed the petition calling for Labor, the Greens and cross benchers to block the TPP in the Senate. Have you?
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-13 19:03:12 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-13 18:48:55 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-07 06:31:01 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-05 19:46:57 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-02-03 06:24:29 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-01-31 10:25:23 +1100
    Too many of these agreement are between governments acting as private businesses. The rewards are beneficial for few. Post political life is the focus and leaving others to clean up the mess. No accountability, no TTP!
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-01-28 12:20:47 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed via 2017-01-27 14:02:04 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed via 2017-01-26 16:08:21 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed via 2017-01-26 11:27:30 +1100
  • test actuonline
    posted about this on Facebook 2017-01-26 09:44:03 +1100
    I've signed the petition calling for Labor, the Greens and cross benchers to block the TPP in the Senate. Have you?
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-01-26 09:42:23 +1100
  • test actuonline
    posted about this on Facebook 2017-01-25 21:20:08 +1100
    I've signed the petition calling for Labor, the Greens and cross benchers to block the TPP in the Senate. Have you?
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-01-25 17:38:21 +1100
  • test actuonline
    posted about this on Facebook 2017-01-25 16:18:19 +1100
    I've signed the petition calling for Labor, the Greens and cross benchers to block the TPP in the Senate. Have you?
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-01-25 16:17:43 +1100
    This trade policy is so wrong on so many levels,but in particular to our Aussie workers
  • test actuonline
    signed 2017-01-25 15:59:12 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed via 2017-01-25 15:17:31 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed via 2017-01-25 14:37:42 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed via 2017-01-25 14:21:53 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed via 2017-01-25 14:14:45 +1100
  • test actuonline
    signed via 2017-01-25 13:24:41 +1100
  • test actuonline
    posted about this on Facebook 2017-01-25 12:53:27 +1100
    I've signed the petition calling for Labor, the Greens and cross benchers to block the TPP in the Senate. Have you?