Policy Work


Over the last decade, AFDO has provided representation on a wide range of issues that affect the lives of people with disability: from education, to employment, public transport, access to health, income support, community participation and access to justice for people with disability. Our focus has been to inform the development and refinement of legislation through consumer driven, evidence based policy led by and for people with disability. We have worked to ensure that the review of current legislation and development of new legislation is fair and representative of people with disability.

People with disability and their consumer organisations have identified that the implementation of the National Disability Insurance Scheme and improving the workforce participation of people with disability are two of the most critical issues requiring attention. We believe that the following is essential:

National Disability Insurance Scheme

  • Ensure eligible people receive quality services
  • Identify and address the needs of people who are not eligible for NDIS support
  • Build the capacity for organisations and individuals to participate
  • Advocate for appropriate investment

Employment & Workforce Participation

  • Employment reform which places people with disability and employers at the centre
  • Reframe the employment of people with disability as a core component of economic growth and productivity
  • Build relationships and partnerships with industry peaks and employers
  • Examine opportunities and pilots which can help shape and reform the employment system 


AFDO have produced a number of submissions. Our recent policy submissions include: