National Disability and Carer Alliance (NDCA)

picture of Alliance Logo


The National Disability and Carers Alliance was formed in 2009 by National Disability Services (NDS), Carers Australia and the Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO).  The Alliance worked to achieve the structural and systemic changes necessary to improve the lives of people with a disability, their families, and carers in Australia. We believe a united voice is a powerful voice, and that by working together we can achieve so much more.

The National Disability and Carers Alliance launched the Every Australian Counts campaign, engaging with the wider Australian community with the primary goal of gathering support for a new type of disability support, known as the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). This successful grassroots campaign lead to the introduction of the NDIS to Parliament in 2012.

The National Disability and Carer Alliance was also responsible for one of Australia’s largest community engagement projects, the National Disability and Carer Alliance ‘Community Engagement Project’. This project involved 69 Alliance NDIS consultations; with 2,130 people in 35 forums, 18 roundtables and 16 face-to-face consultations held across every state and territory in Australia.

Please follow this link to read NDIS Community Engagement Project Report


Alliance Partners

Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO)

Carers Australia

National Disability Services (NDS)


  Photo: Carers Australia CEO - Ara Cresswell, AFDO CEO - Matthew Wright, NDS CEO - Ken Baker

Picture: National Disability and Carer Alliance partners: Carers Australia CEO - Ara Cresswell, AFDO Former CEO - Matthew Wright, and National Disability Services CEO - Ken Baker




Carers Australia Logo                                          AFDO Logo                                        NDS Logo