Deaf Australia is the national peak advocacy and information organisation in Australia for Deaf people who are bilingual – using both English and Auslan (Australian Sign Language).

We work under the understanding that many Deaf Australians have varying degrees of fluency in both Auslan and English, but primarily use Auslan as their native or preferred language.

We advise government, industry, and service providers about the needs and views of Deaf people, and work to improve Deaf people’s access in a range of areas.

Our ideal world is one where:

Deaf people are respected and fully included in the Australian community and the right to use Auslan is legally recognised.

Click here to see our Mission and Values


Deaf Australia remembers Life Member, lifelong advocate and champion to the Deaf community, Mrs Ann Darwin

Read more about Ann’s contributions to the Deaf community and make a donation to Deaf Australia in her honour.

Read more and make a donation

Improve your knowledge of Auslan (Australian sign language) and Deaf culture with our hands-on, fun and practical workshops and courses. Find out more about how you can improve your communication and relationships with Deaf people …

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National Week of Deaf People
The National Week of Deaf People (NWDP) is an opportunity for Deaf people to celebrate their culture, make people aware of Deaf communities and recognise their achievements. Find out how you can get involved and register your event for the next NWDP …

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Auslan Endorsement System Deaf Australia
Make sure your Auslan videos meet the linguistic and cultural needs of the Deaf community: get them endorsed by Deaf Australia. Find out what endorsement means, what the criteria is and how you could get involved in the endorsement process …

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