There was something that really jumped out for me watching Rangers get hammered at Hearts the other night and then listening to Mark Warburton afterwards.

I thought it was bizarre for him to take off Emerson Hyndman but even more so when he explained his reasoning afterwards.

Warburton said he was a young lad and he had to think about his fitness at Rangers and also about Bournemouth.

He has to think about Bournemouth? Any Rangers fans hearing will have been thinking, “Who gives a stuff about Bournemouth?”

Rangers' Emerson Hyndman (L) celebrates with Kenny Miller after equalising but things soon went downhill
Rangers' Emerson Hyndman (L) celebrates with Kenny Miller after equalising but things soon went downhill

I was watching a development team the other night. Is that what Rangers are now – a holding camp to keep Eddie Howe or Arsene Wenger happy?

Good luck when it comes to the Ibrox club selling season tickets for next year because all I can see are broken promises.

Dave King broke his promise to invest in the team.

Warburton has broken his promises he’d have a side that could put up a semblance of a fight with Celtic.

Both broke their promise to build for the future.

It’s time the entire club started showing a bit of honesty because at the moment the vision is clear as mud. That’s if there is a vision.

I sure as heck can’t see what the strategy is. Forget about all that rubbish at the start of the season about challenging Celtic. That didn’t last long and this campaign is done.

But what is the plan for next season? The two best players at Rangers this year have been Clint Hill and Kenny Miller.

Rangers defender Clint Hill warms up ahead of the clash with Hamilton
Rangers defender Clint Hill

I have huge respect for both but they’re not going to get any better at this stage in their careers.

Who are the players in the squad who are going to be improved next year?

You could say the likes of Jason Holt and Josh Windass. Yet Warburton has just brought in on loan two players in their positions.

It’s all very well and good being a development club when the players are yours. Not much use when it’s other sides who will get the benefit.

People I spoke to in England rate Jon Toral and Hyndman as decent players who maybe lack a bit of physicality. That’s why they have been sent up here.

Good for them but it’s not good for Rangers when they get outmuscled at Tynecastle.

If anything it will halt the development of decent players such as Holt and Matt Crooks, who’s gone on loan to Scunthorpe.

It’s mystifying.

Then there is the stuff Warburton came away with in Record Sport yesterday – if Celtic lost four games and Rangers won one Old Firm game there would be 10 points in it?

Do me a favour. That’s delusional. If Celtic lost nine and Rangers won three more there would be a title race.

Emerson Hyndman
Dave King has broken his promises to the Rangers fans

Football is played in the real world.

The blame game is in full swing and fans seem to occupy two camps. It’s either King’s fault for failing to back his manager or it’s the manager’s fault for failing to use what he had wisely enough.

The simple fact is they are both in the wrong.

King to me just doesn’t look interested. He doesn’t go to games, he pops over now and again and has little to say about the situation.

He’s like the Venkys at Blackburn – an absentee landlord either unable or unwilling to get involved.

Supporters are right to question his involvement just as they are correct to criticise the manager.

The team he put out the other night was an admission of guilt. He was basically saying his entire recruitment drive last summer was a total waste of time.

He brought in 11 players for the start of the season and overall they have been a complete disaster. There are real questions to be asked about Frank McParland’s role as director of recruitment as the players who have been unearthed have not been up to scratch.

Mark Warburton was outwitted by Ian Cathro
Mark Warburton was outwitted by Ian Cathro

Warburton’s tactics have also been under the microscope. You can’t keep going on about learning from mistakes. That doesn’t wash when they keep making the same ones over and over again.

I had to laugh the other night. There was Ian Cathro, the supposed laptop nerd, the idealist and fantasist, and yet it was the Hearts head coach who went back to basics.

There were a few things early on with high pressing but it was mostly a good old-fashioned 4-4-2 that won him the game.

Cathro played the conditions – and got the rewards. Warburton stuck with his plan and even his substitutions were all like for like.

That’s why he keeps losing in the big games away from home. Warburton can say he’s not under pressure all he likes but he knows that couldn’t be further from the case.

There is a disconnect between the manager and his board and now the manager and the supporters.

There is no long-term plan in place and as it stands the gap with Celtic is going to be even wider next season.

Warburton can hang on to second all he likes but finishing 30-40 points behind is unacceptable and should be embarrassing.

He can’t play the money card when it comes to Celtic when his club have five times the budget of Aberdeen and Hearts.

Warburton can talk all he likes about development but when you add it all together the only conclusion to come to is he won’t be around Ibrox to see it.