Federal Politics

Senator Cory Bernardi is all about common sense. Just ask him.

Cory Bernardi, seeking a mysterious majority, throws a tantrum

The altitudinous Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi, who fears a move towards bestiality if the 21st century is allowed to have its head, is striking out alone, seeking like-minded companions - a space he has inhabited for his entire political career.

Australian soldiers have supported the US in every major war this century, and is the only nation to do so. Commander of ...

Can Australia trust its great and powerful friend?

This is a case of alliance shock for Australia. Donald Trump's rough treatment of Malcolm Turnbull is about more than their personalities, more than the refugee deal, and more than relations between two leaders.

Jim Pavlidis artwork.

Back in the day, they called it lying

Barnaby Joyce was "post-truth" way before it was cool. In fact, few politicians were better prepared for the new era of "alternative facts" than Barnaby Joyce.