Bowling Green Kentucky has a field day with jokes after Kellyanne Conway's misspeak about imaginary massacre in the city known for a car-eating sinkhole

  • The White House adviser made a comment in an interview about a 'Bowling Green massacre' that never happened
  • She used it to justify the travel ban for people from seven Muslim countries
  • Her comment has sparked endless online mockery for 'alternative facts'

Kellyanne Conway made a comment about a massacre in Kentucky that never happened, and the internet is thrilled. 

The White House adviser mentioned the fictional massacre in an interview with MSNBC Thursday as the reason for a temporary travel ban for Iraqis in 2011, saying it also proved why the Trump administration's ban was necessary. 

The comments have has sparked endless online mockery, with jabs like 'never remember' and 'I survived the Bowling Green massacre.'

The comment thrust this college town back into the national spotlight, nearly three years after a sinkhole that swallowed several classic Corvettes at a museum in Bowling Green garnered worldwide attention. 

Kellyanne Conway's comment about a massacre in Kentucky that never happened has sparked endless online mockery, with jabs like 'never remember' and 'I survived the Bowling Green massacre'

The White House adviser mentioned the fictional massacre in an interview with MSNBC Thursday as the reason for a temporary travel ban for Iraqis in 2011, and people immediately took to Social Media to make fun of the comments 

President Trump also made some strange comments at an event to commemorate Black History Month on Wednesday, seeming to insinuate that he thought Frederick Douglass is still alive. 

These comments, coupled with those made by Conway about the fake massacre have given the internet a lot of new material. 

Even Big Red, the beloved, furry Western Kentucky University mascot, wasn't immune: One social media post shows him sprawled on the ground with the inscription 'Never forget.'

'The jokes are flying for sure,' said Guy Jordan, who teaches at Western Kentucky. 

'My sense of things is that we are today a city of people walking around looking at their phones and giggling softly to ourselves.'

Jordan quipped the only massacres in Bowling Green have been some of Western's football victories.

People have taken the opportunity to poke fun at the 'alternative facts' comment made in a press conference during Trump's first few weeks as president

For Bowling Green radio personality Jelisa Chatman, Conway's remarks were like a gift from heaven as an on-the-air subject.

'You wake up in the morning and you think, 'What am I going to talk about today?'' she said. 'And God is like, "here you go. You need something to talk about, how about this?"'

At Home Cafe & Marketplace, the most popular pizza Friday was 'the Bowling Green Massacre' pie. 

'The jokes are flying for sure,' said Guy Jordan, who teaches at Western Kentucky

People have taken the opportunity to turn it into a trending topic on Twitter and Facebook with a surge in memes and online jokes 

The specialty pizza with blackened chicken, mac' and cheese and jalapenos was on pace to set a one-day sales record at the Bowling Green restaurant, said owner Josh Poling.

'The minute I heard it last night, I was like, 'Oh gosh, that's too good of an opportunity to pass up,'' he said.

All proceeds from the specialty pizza's sales will go to the Southern Poverty Law Center, he said.

Meanwhile, someone registered the domain name, and people clicking on the site were automatically directed to the website of the American Civil Liberties Union.

Someone also made a GoFundMe page for 'victims of the massacre', but when anyone clicks on the donation button they are redirected to the ACLU website.

Meanwhile, someone registered the domain name , and people clicking on the site were automatically directed to the website of the American Civil Liberties Union

Someone also made a GoFundMe page for 'victims of the massacre', but when anyone clicks on the donation button they are redirected to the ACLU website

Conway initially cited the Bowling Green 'massacre' as a reason why the Trump administration's temporary ban on immigration from several Muslim-majority nations is necessary

Conway initially cited the Bowling Green 'massacre' as a reason why the Trump administration's temporary ban on immigration from several Muslim-majority nations is necessary. 

She said President Barack Obama implemented a similar ban in 2011 after two men from Iraq were arrested in Kentucky on charges that they plotted to send money and weapons to al-Qaeda. The men had been mistakenly admitted to the US as refugees in 2009 but never were accused of plotting attacks inside the US.

Conway tweeted Friday that she meant to say 'terrorists' instead, and not everyone in Bowling Green was piling on.

Mayor Bruce Wilkerson said he understands how someone can 'misspeak' during an interview, and said he appreciated the 'clarification.'

Conway tweeted Friday that she meant to say 'terrorists' instead, and not everyone in Bowling Green was piling on

Even Big Red, the beloved, furry Western Kentucky University mascot, wasn't immune: One social media post shows him sprawled on the ground with the inscription 'Never forget'

Asked how people were responding, the mayor said: 'People roll their eyes at trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill.'

Bowling Green is the home of Republican US Senator Rand Paul. His spokeswoman said Friday the focus should be on immigration policy.

'Regardless of her words, our visa and refugee systems are severely broken, and the situation regarding the Bowling Green terrorists demonstrates that point,' said Paul spokeswoman Kelsey Cooper.

President Trump also made some strange comments at an event to commemorate Black History Month on Wednesday, seeming to insinuate that he thought Frederick Douglass is still alive

Bowling Green has long had a reputation as a welcoming place for refugees, and the city is home to the International Center of Kentucky, a refugee resettlement agency. 

In the past 10 years, more than 2,000 refugees resettled in Bowling Green from more than a dozen countries, including some Muslim-majority countries, said the agency's executive director, Albert Mbanfu.

Even some of those poking fun at Conway's 'massacre' comment, however, said it reflected more serious concerns.

'It's funny and we can laugh at it,' said Barry Kaufkins, who teaches at Western Kentucky. 

'But I think a lot of the laughter is so we don't cry. A lot of people are really worried about some of the rhetoric, not to mention the behavior, from this administration.'

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