'Nice legs. Mmm very nice': Disturbing home video reveals creepy relationship slain Texas sisters had with their father who fled nine years ago after their 'honor killings'

  • Footage shows Yaser Abdel Said making unsettling comments to his daughters
  • He is accused of killing his teenagers Sarah and Amina Said in 2008 in a taxi 
  • Said fled after their murder and was put on the FBI's most wanted list
  • Some of his relatives speculate the girls' deaths were 'honor killings' 

Yaser Abdel Said fled after his daughters were murdered in 2008

Newly released home movies show the creepy relationship Yaser Abdel Said had with his two daughters he is accused of murdering in a motel parking lot.

Home video shows Said lurking in the bedrooms of daughters Sarah, 17, and Amina, 18, making leering comments at his children. 

In a clip, the father says: 'Nice legs. Mmm very nice.' He tells this to his teenage daughters as he pans over their legs with the camera as they lie in bed.

'Sarah sleeps with her pants? Mmm, very nice. Wow, look at those eyes. I got my eye on you,' Said says. The girls seem harassed by their father and yell at him to get out of their room.

In another disturbing part of the Crime Watch Daily footage, Amina is seen playing with a gun.  

Said is accused of shooting Sarah and Amina Said 11 times in a taxi on New Year's Day in 2008. Some of his relatives speculate these may have been 'honor killings.'

Said fled from Irving, Texas after his daughters were murdered and made an appearance on the FBI's most wanted list in 2014.  

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Amina Said, 18, pictured right, and her sister Sarah, 17, pictured left, were killed on New Year's Day in 2008

Yaser Abdel Said is accused to taking his daughters  Amina and Sarah in a taxi to shoot them in a motel parking lot

The girls accused their father of sexual abuse in 1998 when they were eight and nine years old according to Dallas Morning News

They later took back the accusation saying they lied so they could live with their grandmother and not in rural Texas. But their mother swore in an affidavit that they were telling the truth.

Family members say the Egyptian-born father was obsessive about his daughters' virginity and believed western society was corrupting the girls. 

He allegedly threatened to kill them when he found out they had boyfriends at their high school.

The teens' mother Patricia Owens rejects the notion that the girls were murdered to protect their chastity.

Under the guise of taking to get the girls something to eat, Said allegedly took them in a taxi and shot them dead to defend their honor. 

Sarah Said's called 911 while inside the cab. Her final words were  'Oh my God, I'm dying'. Then the emergency operator heard a barrage of gunshots.

Both sisters tried to cover themselves up when their father came into their bedroom to film them as they were sleeping

The eldest daughter Amina said: 'This is illegal'

Joesph Trotter (pictured) was dating Amina at the time she was murdered

Yaser Abdel Said was put on the FBI's most wanted list in 2014 for killing his daughters

Amina Said (left) and Sarah Said (right) were allegedly shot as 'honor killings' by their father

The Saids' case was featured in the documentary The Price of Honor. 

The film tells how the American teenagers were unable to slip free of their Egyptian father's suffocating control, ultimately victims of what filmmakers say is a trend of honor killings that goes unrecognized in the US.

In the documentary Ruth Trotter says: 'Amina always knew that Yaser was going to murder her, it was just a question of when and where.'

Amina was dating Trotter's son, Joseph, when she died, and Sarah also had a boyfriend, though both had tried to keep this from their father.

'She made Joseph promise that he would not harm himself, that when she dies he would live,' Trotter added. 

The documentary reveals that when Amina was 15 Yaser took his daughters to Egypt to find husbands.

Trotter said he picked one man who was almost 50 for Amina to marry but she begged and pleaded with her mother to come back home.

Trotter added that Amina and Sarah had nowhere to turn in Texas. No one understood that a teenager saying 'My Dad is going to kill me' is a serious cry for help, not adolescent drama. 

It is not known is Said is dead or if he has left Texas at all.

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