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  1. 2 feb.
  2. Personas Ver todos

  3. 30 ene.

    "We are a nation of i̶m̶m̶i̶g̶r̶a̶n̶t̶s̶ settler colonizers."

  4. 30 ene.
  5. 2 feb.
  6. 1 feb.

    Ana Rosa Quintana: "A mí me parece bien que le hayan partido la cara a la joven de Murcia".

  7. hace 2 horas
  8. hace 13 horas

    Absolutely no surprise a member of was actually an employee of the university.

    Este Tweet no está disponible.
  9. hace 13 horas
  10. hace 14 horas

    Fascism breeds in America, under the guise of anti-Fascism.

  11. hace 15 horas

    = Terrorism

  12. hace 16 horas

    antifascism dot org is a honeypot attempting to gather information on comrades. do not visit, do not sign up.

  13. hace 16 horas

    If fought themselves they'd defeat fascism

  14. hace 16 horas

    Rich kid anarchists protesting capitalist scum in Berkeley in a $765 jacket. Why am I not surprised.

  15. hace 18 horas

    Odio a todos y cada uno que transforme una protesta pacífica en una excusa para violencia que bien que va el 2017 🙃

  16. hace 20 horas

    Dear Stop being fucking retarded.

  17. hace 21 horas

    This is what looks like when they don't outnumber you 100 to 1.

  18. hace 21 horas

    The end of the terrorism organization nears.

  19. hace 24 horas

    La "gente Buena" fans xd Hillary y supuestamente anti-Fascista ( ) amenazando a la hijita de Basuras

  20. 3 feb.

    Who told them to stand down⤵️ Via @ usa_ohio_constitutionalist IG

  21. 3 feb.

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