Результати пошуку
  1. 2 лют.

    Here are the celebrities calling to overthrow our democracy. I'm sure there will be more Hollywood idiots coming forward shortly

  2. 2 лют.

    Thank you for exposing how intolerant the left has become. riot is completely against our 1st Amendment. 🔥🔥🔥

  3. 2 лют.

    Left: "Dont worry. We will only violently attack Nazis" *Violently attacks a gay jewish man* Yeah, ok

  4. 2 лют.

    rioters now destroying ATMs for absolutely no reason... CNN still referring to riots as "protests."

  5. 2 лют.

    "For 30 years, the left has been able to bully people into silence by name calling and they’ve forgotten how to argue."- 🔥

  6. 2 лют.

    Is this what a "Nazi" sounds like?

  7. 2 лют.

    Communists fly the flag at .

  8. 2 лют.

    Violating people's right to free speech with violence or threat of death because they disagree with you is fascism.

  9. 2 лют.

    What a difference 50 years makes.

  10. 2 лют.

    All clear for shelter in place. Routine campus business and classes will be held tomorrow.

  11. 2 лют.

    After tonight, after the violence at UC Berkeley, I know that I will never vote for any liberal as long as I draw breath.

  12. 2 лют.

    UC Berkeley student body, riotors, fascists & are "NAZI hunting" on campus. MSM has fueled this hatred & violence.

  13. 2 лют.

    protestors are heading back to campus via Center street. If on campus, stay indoors and away from windows

  14. 2 лют.

    Graffiti at BAMFA building

  15. 2 лют.

    Post-protest, Cal students pick up litter on Telegraph, taking care of their street

  16. 2 лют.

    You are either with these violent rioters or against these violent rioters. There is no middle ground and silence is approval.

  17. 2 лют.

    We survive the peaceful protests. Glad to see intellectual debates are valued at UC Berkeley. 😉

  18. 2 лют.

    No, it's what the demise of free speech on campus looks like.

  19. 2 лют.

    RETWEET if these leftist protests over the last few months have only made you disagree with the left even more.

  20. 2 лют.

    Welcome to the Democratic Party. For years they've enabled violence, destruction, anger, and hate.

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