What's the truth about Gina Miller? A loss-making company. False claims about a law degree. And critics who say she's a shameless self-publicist...

Gina Miller is pictured smiling after the Supreme Court ruling that Parliament must vote on Brexit after leading a successful campaign against the Prime Minister's plan to trigger Article 50 

The smile on Gina Miller’s face said it all yesterday. 

Posing on the steps of the Supreme Court, an expensive black shearling coat to ward off the morning chill and with large sapphire and diamond earrings glinting in each lobe, the former model turned businesswoman and self-proclaimed philanthropist was in a triumphant mood.

Though her statement to journalists was measured — that bringing her landmark legal case was about ‘the legal process, not the politics’ — there was no doubting she saw this as a political victory over Brexiteers.

Miller, the subject of countless gushing profiles in newspapers and magazines sympathetic to her cause, has carefully spun her image of a woman — a wife and mother of three as well as a City Superwoman regularly photographed in exquisitely tailored outfits — who fears a ‘treacherous future’ outside Europe.

And because of her principled stand she has, she’s revealed, been the victim of vile online abuse and hideous sexual and racist threats.

Her critics, though, see a shameless publicity seeker, a woman who is using her wealthy (third) husband Alan Miller’s very deep pockets — despite running a loss-making fund management business together — to defy the wishes of the majority of the British people. 

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Some also question her track record in the City, where observers suggest she is determined to be seen as the acceptable face of capitalism: a stellar career as a fund manager and a philanthropist to boot.

So, who is Gina Miller, what exactly is driving her and what is the truth of her claims? 

Born into a land-owning family in Guyana, the daughter of the attorney general, Miller, now 51, says she first took an interest in challenging the Brexit process after discussing with a lawyer her belief that the Prime Minister was not allowed under constitutional law to remove citizens’ rights without parliamentary consent. 

The mother of three, pictured with allies outside the Supreme Court, claims her role as a figurehead of the campaign has led to sexual and racial threats

The Supreme Court judges, pictured, voted 8-3 in favour of Ms Miller's argument that Parliament must have a vote on leaving the EU

It was, perhaps, not an unexpected position for someone with a law degree as had been claimed on two company websites and an online brochure.

On the website of her firm SCM50, the following statement appeared: ‘Gina has three degrees in marketing, human resource management and law.’ 

A similar statement appeared on her ‘Moneyshe’ website and in an online brochure for SCM Direct.

In truth, Gina Miller does not have a law degree. She did study for one at the University of East London, but left before sitting her final exams. (She does have the two other degrees.)

When asked about the discrepancy, her lawyers told the Mail she was unaware of the false claim prominently displayed on the website and said the responsibility for the mistake lay with a freelance copywriter.

Nevertheless, that reference to a law degree is included in some of the flattering profiles compiled with her co-operation, including one in the anti-Brexit Financial Times.

Separately, controversy has surrounded the business activities of her second husband, the maverick entrepreneur Jon Maguire. 

During their time together, he and Miller set up a marketing company and she was a co-director with him of another business, Capital Communications Consultancy.

Critics have described Ms Miller, left and right, as a 'shameless publicity seeker' going against the wishes of the nation

She claims to have a law degree on two of her websites but never actually sat her final exams

Maguire was investigated by City regulators in 2011 — after he had separated from Miller — over one of the most notorious City investment scandals of recent years when investors complained they had been misleadingly sold high-risk investments. 

He was exonerated, but two fund managers were heavily fined.

No evidence was found against Maguire, and he has always maintained he was unfairly treated by the authorities. 

The Financial Services Compensation Scheme paid more than £58 million in compensation to hundreds of victims.

A man with extreme Right-wing views, Maguire stood for the little-known English Democrat party in the 2010 General Election on an anti-EU platform and lost his deposit. 

He once said homosexuality is a cul-de-sac for the human race. Such views were diametrically opposed to those of Miller, who was until recently a long-time Labour supporter.

She has subsequently said that during their relationship, he subjected her to physical attacks.

In an interview last year, Miller told The Mail on Sunday: ‘I am fairly fearless because of horrific experiences in the past. I’m a victim of domestic violence. Having survived that it makes you fearless.

‘I survived for a reason — to be who I am now and to speak up when I don’t think things are right.’

Maguire, a fervent Christian, has denied her claims and retorted that she had a drink problem — an allegation she says is totally false.

Of course, she argues that such personal details are irrelevant to her legal challenge. 

Ms Miller, pictured, founded her company SCM Private with her husband in 2009 but it has yet to register an annual profit

But as the self-proclaimed poster girl for Remain with two successive legal victories to her name that have far-reaching implications for the British people, it is reasonable to subject her life and work to scrutiny.

One important element in this is her own financial expertise. An investigation of the investment firm, SCM Private, shows that it has run up large losses since she and Alan Miller founded it in 2009.

It has yet to register an annual profit and has made total operating losses of more than £2.3 million.

The couple explain the losses by saying that they are investing in new technology and in growing the business. 

They say it is running at so-called ‘cash break-even’ — meaning its income is covering operating expenses. 

There is no risk of SCM going under: the accounts note the Millers intend to support the firm for the foreseeable future, which they can well afford to do.

In the meantime, Ms Miller has taken occasional potshots at rival firms, denouncing them for charging high fees and for bamboozling savers with jargon. 

She has a fair point, of course: rip-off charges and gobbledegook are shamefully common in the financial services industry.

But competitors have responded with counter-claims of double standards by Miller and her husband because they say their firm, SCM, has failed to disclose the size of the fund it is managing for clients, despite her own calls for more transparency in the industry.

The couple claim the performance of their three main sterling portfolios has been good over the past year, beating their target benchmarks.

Rivals, though, are sceptical — though, of course, this may be sour grapes. Either way, SCM’s failure to hit the big time is not for want of trying.

The Millers have worked hard to acquire new clients among London’s assorted wealthy individuals, aristocrats, the nouveaux riche and foreign oligarchs.

Early on, they worked with Alexander Spencer-Churchill, a nephew of the Duke of Marlborough and a distant relative of Winston Churchill, in the hope he would bring in extra blue-chip business. 

Though he had a contacts book of A-list names, he stepped down as a director in September 2009 after just nine months.

Another recruit was Lady Emily Compton, who is married to Ed Horner, a business partner of Pippa Middleton’s fiancé James Matthews. 

The former social editor of Tatler, Lady Emily was hired as an ‘introduction agent’ — but stepped down as a director in 2012.

Whatever the issues in Gina Miller’s own business, they have not stopped her criticising others in the financial world.

Ms Miller, left and right, has also criticised charities for financial inefficiency in a 2015 report for her own charity the True and Fair Foundation, with the Charity Commission later describing the report as 'flawed'

In a report for her charity, the True and Fair Foundation, in 2015, she rebuked other charities for financial inefficiency, claiming that 1,000 organisations spent less than half their income on good works.

Inevitably, many of them were contemptuous of its findings. The National Council for Voluntary Organisations said the report ‘wilfully misrepresented the facts’.

More specifically, its director of public policy attacked Miller, saying for her ‘it seems self-promotion trumps accuracy’.

Even more damning, the Charity Commission described her report as ‘flawed’.

As City insiders point out, Ms Miller is not a finance expert by trade, but a marketing woman.

Indeed, finance wasn’t her first choice of profession. Initially, she wanted to be a criminal barrister, but set up several marketing companies before moving into investment management.

She has lived in the UK most of her life, having been sent here by her parents at the age of ten and later attending Roedean, the elite girls’ boarding school in Sussex.

Likening the place to the German prison camp Colditz, she moved to another boarding school called Moira House. 

She has said it was nicknamed Moron House ‘because it produced some very strange girls. We were all very single-minded’.

Because of political turmoil back home in Guyana, she was for a time left to live in a flat and fend for herself, working as a chambermaid to support herself. 

She married her teenage sweetheart at the age of 21, but the relationship broke up, and Miller has said that by 1994 she was reduced to living in a one-bedroom flat in North London, where she was paying her way through university for a second time, studying law.

‘All I could afford was bread and baked beans,’ she has said of that time. 

‘I did everything I could to make money from leafleting for phone shops to working at Pizza Express.’ 

After the break-up of her first marriage, Ms Miller, pictured outside the Supreme Court, said she worked for phone shops and Pizza Express, as well as modelling jobs. She is now married to a man thought to be worth around £40million

She also did occasional modelling jobs. That is clearly no longer the case since she married Miller, who is said to be worth around £40 million.

He is the investment brains of the SCM operation, having made his fortune at fund management firms Jupiter Asset Management and New Star, which is where he met Miller in 2003.

Three years later he was involved in a bitter divorce case, during which he appealed unsuccessfully against a £5 million settlement awarded to his ex-wife Melissa.

Today, Ms Miller lives in a large house in South West London, bought three years ago for £7 million, and the family has a French holiday home.

Despite her wealth and overseas parentage, she says she has not claimed non-domicile status in order to save on her tax bill. 

Gina Miller sees herself as what she calls a ‘conscious capitalist’ who believes in the three principles of ‘profit, people and the planet’.

Critics, though, say her legal challenge against Brexit was partly motivated by an insatiable hunger for self-promotion and that a fourth principle should be added to her ‘three Ps’— namely publicity hungry.

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