PLATELL'S PEOPLE: Princess of pop Kylie Minogue put her career before her happiness 

Only one wedding in the Eighties came close to capturing as many British hearts as the fairy- tale marriage between Charles and Diana — the nuptials between Kylie Minogue and Jason Donovan in the TV soap Neighbours.

Six years after the 1981 Royal Wedding, which had a UK TV audience of 28 million, Kylie’s Aussie bombshell character Charlene wed Scott, the love of her life played by Jason, with 20 million breathless viewers looking on.

The Aussie became Britain’s favourite girl-next-door and went on to become the Princess of Pop, with 70 million album sales over a 30-year music career.

Only one wedding in the Eighties came close to capturing as many British hearts as the fairy- tale marriage between Charles and Diana — the nuptials between Kylie Minogue and Jason Donovan in the TV soap Neighbours (pictured). Kylie, 48, has just asked her struggling actor fiancé Joshua Sasse to leave their multi-million pound west London home

How different her world is today. Kylie, 48, has just asked her struggling actor fiancé Joshua Sasse — who’s nearly 20 years her junior — to leave their (er, her) multi-million-pound West London home amid reports he has been cheating on her with a Spanish actress.

Kylie and Sasse have split amid reports he has been cheating on her with a Spanish actress

The idea of a tear-stained Kylie after the split is heartbreaking. For there has never been a greater proponent of love than her.

She has searched for decades to find Mr Right. And after doomed relationships with Donovan, the late INXS singer Michael Hutchence, model Andres Velencoso and French actor Olivier Martinez, she finally believed she’d found him. 

Only last Tuesday, she was on ITV’s This Morning professing her love for Sasse, saying she’d change her surname to his when they married.

When she appeared on Desert Island Discs in 2015, it was ‘their tune’, Stevie Wonder’s Love’s In Need Of Love Today, that she chose.

Another choice was a recording of Sasse reading a rather erotic poem written by his late poet father: ‘I would bend to press my eager face into your neck, where the secret flesh is furred like peaches behind a curtain of caramel-scented curls.’

She spoke of the possibility of children and declared: ‘I have a love of my life which is just a beautiful thing. I am on cloud nine most of the time because of Mr Joshua Sasse, my beau.’

So why has it all gone wrong? The truth is that this sunny, vibrant woman has terrible judgment when it comes to men — and I’m afraid she’s always put her acting and pop career before everything else.

The Aussie became Britain’s favourite girl-next-door and went on to become the Princess of Pop, with 70 million album sales over a 30-year music career

She spoke of the possibility of children and declared: ‘I have a love of my life which is just a beautiful thing. I am on cloud nine most of the time because of Mr Joshua Sasse, my beau’

You can’t possibly amass a personal fortune of more than £60 million without making sacrifices.

Kylie is an admirably driven woman, constantly on tour, promoting herself and recording albums. But it’s always been her career first, with personal happiness second.

The result is that her hopes of comfort and companionship as she reaches middle age are ebbing away.

Has the time come to hang up your gold hotpants, Kylie? It’s not too late to concentrate on what really makes you happy, happy, happy.


Oh, do bin this Leftie squeal

Fashion designer Nicole Farhi, who lives in London’s Hampstead with her playwright husband, Sir David Hare, is indignant that their local council is threatening to stop weekly bin collections.

Camden Council will collect rubbish only twice a month from wealthy residents, while retaining the normal service for those on council estates.

‘Where are we going to store our rubbish?’ she cried. ‘Do we have to pay for a skip?’

Odd it’s always millionaire Lefties who squeal the loudest about life’s injustices.


Beyonce is pregnant with twins and has stripped naked for a series of pictures released on her website to share her joy with the world. 

Even superstars don’t understand that however much we are forced to coo over friends’ pictures of newborns, there are few things less interesting than someone else’s baby — whether inside or out of the womb.


Depp's wine whine 

Now we know why Johnny Depp was so distraught after he smashed a wine bottle in an altercation with his then wife, Amber Heard (both pictured).

According to his former business managers, he spends £23,800 a month on wine, so the bottle must have been a top vintage Chateau Lafite.

He started out in life the son of a barrow boy and went on to become the founder of a £13 billion retailing giant. 

Yet Ken Morrison, who died this week aged 85, never lost sight of his humble beginnings.

Fantastically wealthy, he would still collect up all the paper clips after Morrison board meetings because his parents had taught him not to be wasteful.

He often had lunch in the canteen of his local Morrisons, and when Prince Charles — the nation’s most pompous organic food producer — once asked him what he did, he replied simply: ‘I’m the local grocer.’ 


Kate's song of loss would melt hearts

Kate McCann is taking part in the Missing People's Choir, which is composed of relatives whose loved ones have disappeared

It’s been nearly ten years since Madeleine McCann disappeared, and still her parents Kate and Gerry fight tirelessly for any clue to solve the mystery.

After losing a libel battle against the Portuguese detective who claimed they covered up her death, they face crippling legal costs and must be more desperate than ever.

So desperate indeed that Kate is attempting to raise her missing daughter’s profile by pitching for Britain’s Got Talent.

She is taking part in The Missing People’s Choir, which is composed of relatives whose loved ones have disappeared.

Kate is the choir’s ambassador and though she doesn’t sing, she may become more involved if they progress though the auditions.

Surely that choir would be a far worthier winner than any of the show’s dancing dogs.

And a solo performance from Kate would melt the hardest of hearts . . . even if she were to turn out to be tone deaf.

Kate is the choir’s ambassador and though she doesn’t sing, she may become more involved if they progress though the auditions


A Dutch zoo is using a Tinder-style dating app to help female orangutans find love. Judging by the forlorn expressions of Conny and Sinta looking on the internet at an array of hairy, ugly males, they’re having as much luck as most humans looking for mates on dating sites. 


Why health tourists treat us all as suckers

A 43-year-old Nigerian woman called Priscilla has already cost taxpayers £500,000, having arrived in the UK to have her quadruplets on the NHS.

When she was six months pregnant, she tried to go to Chicago to have her babies. But the U.S. refused her entry, so she came to Britain instead.

We’re a soft touch — and, understandably, never more so when there are babies involved.

As the former NHS consultant surgeon J. Meirion Thomas revealed in this newspaper yesterday, some IVF clinics in Nigeria implant multiple embryos to get better conception results.

The trouble is this leads to multiple and early births. Because intensive treatment for premature babies is hugely expensive in Nigeria, women there are actually encouraged to fly to the UK for free treatment.

Isn’t it funny that while Priscilla cried poverty over the NHS bill, she was able to find the money for flights first to Chicago and then London, which would have cost many thousands of pounds?


Fashion statement is a half-baked idea 

First it was Emma Stone at the Screen Actor’s Guild Awards, then Kate Bosworth, wearing what fashionistas call the ‘half- dress’. Basically it’s a frock worn over one shoulder then draped to the waist revealing the said actress’s underwear.

This just goes to prove how silly some women can be in the pursuit of fashion. Can you imagine any man falling for the ‘half-trouser’?


Hilarious that actor Ashton Kutcher has joined the Leftie actors attacking Donald Trump’s moral deficit — given his marriage to Demi Moore ended after he was caught cavorting with a bunch of topless party girls.

Westminster Noticeboard 

  • Not since John Major ducked out of supporting a beleaguered Margaret Thatcher in the leadership challenge by Michael Heseltine — citing acute toothache — has a politician given such a craven excuse for cowardice.

Two MPs undergoing cancer treatment made the effort to turn up for the Article 50 vote this week, but not Diane Abbott, who’s the high priestess of hypocrisy.

She wormed out of it by saying she had a migraine. It won’t be as severe as the acute headache she gives us every time she appears on our TV screens.

  • The self-important Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron arrived for the BBC’s Andrew Marr show last weekend with almost as many advisers as the party has MPs.
  • Former Chancellor George Osborne spoke in the Article 50 debate for eight minutes which, at his £51,000-per-hour price on the lecture circuit, was worth about £6,800 of his time.

How generous of him. 


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