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Federal Politics

Malcolm Turnbull confirms he donated $1.75 million to the Liberal Party election campaign

  • Georgina Mitchell

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has revealed he donated $1.75 million of his own money to the Liberal Party before last year's federal election.

Speaking to the ABC's 7.30 program on Wednesday night, Mr Turnbull initially said Australians were more interested in how he spent their money, rather than his own, before he confirmed the amount for the first time.

Malcolm Turnbull reveals he donated $1.75 million to the Liberal Party's election campaign on the ABC's 7.30 on Wednesday. Photo: ABC

"In the course of this current financial year, which is why it hasn't been disclosed on the AEC, I contributed $1.75 million. That was the contribution I made," Mr Turnbull said.

"It's been talked about and speculated about, so there it is."

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull addresses the National Press Club on Wednesday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Mr Turnbull said the amount was a "substantial contribution".

"We [Lucy and I] make big contributions to many important enterprises and causes. I've always been prepared to put my money where my mouth is.

"I put my money into ensuring we didn't have a Labor government. I put my money into the Liberal Party's campaign."

When the fact he made a donation was revealed last year, it was thought to be close to $2 million.

However, there was no trace of the amount in the Australian Electoral Commission returns, which were released on Wednesday morning, leading many to believe the exact donation would remain a secret for another year.

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