Minerals Council's Sid Marris to join PMO in climate role

The mining industry will be pleased with the PM's new appointment. The Greens – not so much.
The mining industry will be pleased with the PM's new appointment. The Greens – not so much. Bloomberg

Hot on the heels of his clean coal pronouncement at the National Press Club on Wednesday, PM Malcolm Turnbull is set to further burnish his credentials among people-who-dig-stuff-up with the imminent appointment to his inner circle of respected long-time Canberra fixture and current Minerals Council policy wonk, Sid Marris.

Word has reached our ear that Marris has accepted a role within the PMO and is set to be announced as Turnbull's energy and climate policy adviser. The former Canberra bureau chief of The Australian newspaper has spent the last eight-and-a-bit years working across various roles with the MCA – including most recently as its director of environment and climate change policy.

So that's an appointment about which the Greens will be cock-a-hoop.

Meanwhile, movement in the banking world with the arrival at ANZ of former Woolies executive, the Emerald Isle's own Emma Gray. The one-time Bain partner, proud Irish woman and queen of the grocer's loyalty program is going to weave her data-mining magic at Shayne Elliott's bank, working under former Google exec, Maile Carnegie.